Sunday, July 21, 2024

River Song's Tails From Rainow Bridge: River Welcomes Sweetness


This week I, River Song, am taking over the angel blog because my sister is still hungover from celebrating her birthday to excess, and I have special connection with a cat, Sweetness, who arrived at the Bridge last week. I knew her from following her blog, but my true connection is that her brother, the celestial Paddy O’Malley, transitioned to the Bridge shortly after I did, and we bonded like college, away from home for the first time.

Because of this Foley appointed me the Doggyspace and Blogville ambassador to the Cat Blogosphere, which wasn’t necessary, since they are right next to one another, and we cross back and forth thousands of times a day but was still an honor.

When Paddy told me that Sweetness would be coming to her final forever home he did so with a mix of happiness and sadness, all angels do, happy to see long missed loved one, and sad because it is an angel’s duty to protect their family, which we do, winning more often than not, but always losing to time.

I found Paddy at his home straightening things in what was to be Sweetness’s room. There was sun coming through the four big windows landing on a white fluffy bed with Sweetness embroidered on the side. “Do you think she will like it?” Sweetness asked.

“She’ll love it,” I promised. The truth was she would have loved anything. Cats have reputations as being hard to please, but I find they are happy with a warm, soft bed, tasty food, sporadic attention, and love, all of which could be provided by Paddy.

“We should get going,” Paddy said checking the clock on the wall, “her transition has begun.”

Paddy had felt it. Angels are in tune with their people, and when her mother took all of the pain that Sweetness had been feeling on herself, and sent Sweetness free, Paddy felt it in his heart. He wanted to go to her but knew his mom would prefer he be there to greet Sweetness.

Her soul had left her body, found the first bit of water, and followed it into rivers, then seas, then oceans, until it came to the whirlpool between worlds. She went down, then came up, and was at the Bridge, then up on the bank, over the Bridge and towards us.

I told Paddy I felt bad, knowing cats did not like to be wet, but he told me it was fine. Somehow he had a towel I had not seen before. I wish I knew where pantless cats kept stuff.

Paddy met Sweetness, gave her the towel, and then they leaned into one another. Dogs, when they were reunited, go right to playing, but cats are more dignified, and hug, then groom one another.

It was quite lovely, but I didn’t want Pocket tonguing me when I crossed. It’s just the difference between cats and dogs.

I nodded my greeting to Sweetness as Paddy lead her to her forever home.

It was a much more subdued ceremony than with dogs, but neater, with no slobbering, which was nice.

But, it was filled with love, lota of love. All new angels.

It keeps the world spinning, and makes it makes it continue, without end.

Even the Bridge.






  1. Aww, a fine greeting, and new friends made forever.

  2. We're glad to hear Sweetness had a smooth transition and was reunited with her sibling Paddy.

  3. Such a wonderful greeting for Sweetie and I knew that Paddy would take care of that dear one.

  4. Sweetie was so loved this was a very lovely tribute
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Huge lump in my throat.
    Thank you for reporting on Celestial Sweetie's entrance to The Rainbow Bridge.

  6. A wonderful report on Sweetie's new home with Paddy. She was very loved. Paddy was glad to see her again and to make her a home with him..


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