Thursday, July 25, 2024

Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday

Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us

When Irish Red was a little baby

Sleeping in his pretty crib

There was a plug up in the kitchen sink and the water would not drain

Irish Red said: “Give me a war each and a small plunger,”

Because the plumber’s life is meant for me

Oh Lord the plumber’s life is meant for me”


Now the momma she said to Irish Red

“Babies cannot fix a kitchen sink oh no,”

Irish Red took the wrench and then fixed the pipe

He said, “There never will be a leak I can’t beat, Lord Lord.”

“There’s never been such a leak.”


Plumber Henry heard about. the baby.

And came to see Red unplug a john

Henry said, “a plumber tiny and skilled will make me rich rich rich,”

“That little kid is going to make me rich.”


Irish Red climbed into tight crawl spaces

And he fixed, installed, and unplugged

Til he said to Henry the plumber “pay me my money down.

Or I’m going to baby unionize.”

I am going to baby unionize.”


Henry the plumber dared. Irish Red

To crawl on that picket line

Then he heard a great uprising

And saw baby doctors, nurses, firemen, and lawyers

All of them ready to strike, strike, strike

The babies were on strike.


Henry made a bet with Irish Red for all the plumbing jobs in this

That in a half hour he could clear ten johns filled with poo

But he worked too hard right through nap time

And Red slowed down because his tired, tired, tired-headed baby was soon napping.


Now Irish Red had himself a sister

By the name of Polly Sue

She walked up to the toilets and grabbed the plunger

And she cleared out that shit like a man.

She cleared out that shit like a man.


Since then every Monday morning

bluebird begins to sing

You can hear Red and Polly plugin ging hundreds of toilets

You can hear the Baby and Polly plumbing company working hard

The only working plumbers in town Lord Lord

The sibling babies were the only plumbers in town













  1. That's a great poem! It seems like a song our mom is familiar with but she just can't figure out which song.

  2. Irish red poem is a winner but RUBY ROSE I loved your WW standing on your hind legs
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. HA! Those plumbers were no doubt rolling in the dough!


Poetry Thursday

  Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.       WILBUR COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE ...