Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayers for Mollie

I am turning this blog over to our friend Mollie who is in need of as many prayers as we can muster. In her words this is what is going on.

June 10, 2012 2:30 AM

Hi Everyone,

This is Mollie's mom writing this blog. Her dad and I had to take her to the emergency vet hospital. We noticed that on Friday she was looking a little puney and she was sleeping a lot. This morning she wouldn't eat her breakfast and that is just not like Mollie. I made her some boiled chicken and she did eat that three times today. At dinner time she wouldn't eat anything. She has been diagnosed with IMHA Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia. Her immune system is killing her red blood cells. Her platelets were also low. The doctor felt like we had caught this disease in time but there is always the chance that Mollie won't respond to the meds they will be giving her for the next couple of days. Yes, we had to leave her there and my heart is just breaking. Her dad and I cried all the way home and I can't hardly see what I am typing because of the tears. Please pray that Mollie will respond well to the meds and can beat this disease. We need lots and lots of prayers.

Love to all,

Mollie's Mom


Just spoke with the vet. She said Mollie was doing OK. She wouldn't eat this morning but she did go outside to pee. They are giving her fluids through an IV and they had to put in a tube to give her the meds because she threw up once last night. She will be there tonight as well.

June 10, 2012 12:00 PM

The vet just called and said Mollie's blood levels had dropped from 18 to 9. They are going to have to give her a blood transfusion. Please pray that this works. I am so afraid that her body is going to reject the transfusion. The vet said there is a possibility that she might need 2-3 transfusions.

Please pray for Mollie.

Mollie's Very Worried Mom

UPDATE: The vet just called and said Mollie had finished with her transfusion. She says it takes 4 hours. She did very well but still hasn't eaten any food. She is keeping the meds down so that's good. At 8:00 p.m. they will check her blood again to see if the transfusion worked. If not, she will get another one. Praying very hard that this transfusion worked and Mollie can be on the road to recovery.

Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and support. Keep the prayers coming because I know how powerful TB prayers are!!

June 10, 2012 10:34 PM

Just spoke with the vet. Mollie's blood count went up three points to a 12. Not a big increase but encouraging. Dr. Choate said they are monitoring her vitals every hour and her crate is actually in the room with the doctor and technicians. I feel confident that she is being well taken care of. Dr. Choate said they will check her blood count again at midnight. Hopefully, it will continue to go up. If not, they will give her another transfusion. She still isn't eating but her gums are starting to get pink again. Another good sign. I'm going to call in the morning and will head over to the hospital to see her. I will be sure to give her lots of love from all of this wonderful group of friends and their parents.

KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING!! They seem to be working.


Mollie's Mom Cindy

June 11, 2012 2:20 PM

Mollie seems to be slowly getting better. I visited with her this morning and she actually wagged her tail and gave me kisses. The tech said she hadn't wagged her tail since she had been there. She drank a little water and I tried to get her to eat a little food but she didn't want any. One of the doctors called and spoke with Mollie's dad this morning and said she did eat some yesterday. Mollie looked a little better this morning too. When I left the tech said they would be doing another blood count on her at noon and they would call with the results. At 12:30 they called and said her count was up to 19!! I asked when he thought she would be able to come home but he really couldn't give me an answer. I did tell him I didn't want to rush this. If it was best for her to stay another night that's what I wanted. She still has a ways to go so keep the prayers coming. The Tanner Brigade sure has some powerful prayers!!

Love to all,

Mollie's Mom Cindy

Just spoke with the vet at the hospital and they will be taking another blood count at midnight. They are also drawing a little extra blood to send out to a lab to check for any tick borne disease. I told Dr. Myers that I had thought about that because we do live in the country and I have pulled a few off of Mollie but none were ever embedded. I check her every time she comes back in. Dr. Myers also consulted with an internist and the internist felt like Mollie didn't need to be on three medications and she didn't need the aspirin. The internist felt that until Mollie's platelet level comes back up they could stop the aspirin which could also be causing her tummy to be upset and why she doesn't want to eat. Dr. Myers was going to see what her blood count is at midnight and she may ween her off one of the medicines. I know these doctors are doing their best for Mollie but it is very disconcerning when they all have different opinions on protocol. So.....I think Mollie will probably be there a couple more days. Boy, do I miss my little shadow!! I haven't been able to sit in the sun room because it makes me so depressed. I miss her little butt trying to squeeze in with me in the new chair!!

Keep those prayers flowing!

Love and many thanks,

Mollie's Mom Cindy


  1. We are thinking of Mollie and paws crossed and whispered good wishes and blessings to the doglet fair,y that she will send them to make her better. Our prayers and thought of good wishes from my human too.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. You have our prayers and we will be sending all healing thoughts to her. Come on Mollie, you can beat this.


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