Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mrs Sophie Bub, Koda, Wills and Josie are our September 16, 2012 Pups of the Week

One of our packs’ Moms did the most wonderful thing this week to help one of our fellow dogs.  She posted two blogs about it and when I read them I said to myself “Foley,” because I have always called me Foley, “these are the dogs who we are going to recognize this week because their Mom is so wonderful.”

    Now I don’t like to talk about being a Senior dog and having Senior moments but they do occur.  But to be truthful I don’t remember blogs too well.  So, when it comes time to do this weekly blog, I go back to the blog posted by the pup I want to honor, read it again, get all my facts right, and sometimes, like last week, just copy and past part of the blog.  Saves me lots of time and brain power.
But this week what this Mom tried to do to save this pup did not work out and she was very hurt by it.  She felt such pain she could not read about it anymore, and took the blog down, which, since I believe everything is all all about me, turned out to be a terrible thing to do because now I have to remember what was said

I am discussing Koda's, Josie's, Wills' and Mrs. Sophie Bub’s Mom who is one of the sweetest woman I know.  Early last week she either found, or was told about, sorry, Senior moment, a dog that was found abandoned with a broken leg walking down the road.

Sophie’s Mom picked up the poor dog.  It was emaciated, it’s hair matted, limping, and shaking.  She took the dog to her vet and told the vet to fix the pup no matter what the cost.  The vet, as they are to do, checked and found that there was a chip in the dog and traced it back to it’s owner.

The vet then told Sophie’s Mom that he was going to call the owners to tell them that the dog was found.  Sophie’s Mom argued mightily that the dog had been abused, had broken limbs, was abandoned and he could not return the dog to the owners.  But the vet said he had to follow the rules and called the poor pup’s owners.

The parents said that they were concerned about the dog who they somehow lost, and who somehow had a broken leg, and had somehow gone days without eating, and they would be there to pick up the dog soon.  The vet did a temporary fix for the leg trusting the family to take care of the rest.

When Sophie’s Mom  found out about this she fired the vet, who had treated her pack, immediately.  She had gone out to save the pup, brought it to the vet, and offered to pay for it’s recovery.  She did more for the pup than it’s parents did.  All she asked were that the abusers not be given the dog back.  And that’s what the vet did.

If this had been a child left alone, emaciated, with a broken limb on the side of the road, the doctor would not have handed the child back to the parents no questions asked.  Shouldn’t a vet have the same right to keep a dog if they believe the dog has been abused.  Shouldn’t they hold the dog and let the ASPCA to investigate what happened to the dog?

So what can we do to honor what Sophie’s Mom did, to rescue the dog, to offer to pay for it, and to fight for him.   Normally I am against man’s government sticking their slopped noses in the dogs' business s but I think us pups and Sophie’s Mom  might need your help.  Is it possible for our Moms and Dads to get their legislatures to pass a law giving vets the right to hold dogs if they believe they have been abused?

In my 12 years I have seen simple Moms and Dads help shut down puppy mills, stop stores that sell dogs from puppy mills, get bad food pulled off shelves, stop unnecessary vaccinations, and many other ways they have improved the lives of us, their little angels on Earth?

Can you help make a difference?

I know Sophie’s Mom  can.


  1. I agree with you! If a dog has clearly been MUST be kept safe! Hate reading these cases and thank you for caring so much!

  2. I would report the whole episode to the local animal welfare group and they can request from the vet the owner nfo. What a sad, sad story :0( To be fair, you never know...maybe the pup had been missing for some time?

  3. Very sad story and now we do not know the outcome. Sophie's mum sounds so kind. It must be difficult for the vets too as they have little choice but they should have called animal welfare. Have a lovely Monday.
    Best wishes Molly


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