Aunt Foley: I jumped up on Mommy’s desk chair doing what I often do,
looking for something to eat, when I saw the entire desk was taken up
with little dog statues and figurines and one picture of her and Daddy.
This is my question: Why does she need a picture of her and Daddy
when she sees him every day? - Brody
Brody: I have to tell you Brody this one had me stumped. I
investigated this thoroughly and think I have the answer. It comes down
to the often stated complaint from Daddies to Mommies: “You care
more about the dog than you do about me.” While this is undoubtedly
true Mommies sometimes have to throw Daddies the proverbial bone. So,
among all the tributes to dogs on her desks she has one little picture
of her and Daddy to make him think his one teeny tiny little picture
means more to Mommy than all the dog tributes. Daddies, so silly and
so easily satisfied.
Aunt Foley: My Mom and I play the most wonderful game. She knows
that I am an escape artist so each day she puts me in a locked box then
goes out. I have until she comes home to get out of the box. This
last time they put even stronger hooks that Daddy uses on his farm to
keep me in my crate. I have to admire their pluck but I was able to
get my paws around the bolts and pry the kennel bars apart until they
snapped. Then I moved on to the second part of the game. Daddy always
has his face in one of those book things looking for clues on how to
make his box stronger so I ripped the books apart. Then I over
celebrated by destroying my brother Koda’s favorite toy. Mommy and
Daddy don’t get mad but I need to know what to expect in their never
ending quest to make my box more secure. -Emme
Emme - I hope you realize how special your parents are. You destroy
your crate, rip up books, and you don’t get in trouble? That is truly
more amazing than your ability as an escape artist. I think you have a
really good thing going on but you have to keep your parents interested
for the game to continue. Don’t break out every day. Only do it
every three or four days. Mommy and Daddy will think they are “getting
there” and may not work too hard for your to get out. Recognize how
good you have it and give your parents a win here and there.
Aunt Foley: I live in a place called Mexico City and for some reason
the entire house begins shaking and the ground outside does too. When
it happens Mommy takes us downstairs where we are supposed to be safe.
Once it calms down Mommy is very nervous waiting for what she calls
the after shakes. What is going on? Why does the Earth shake? And
why do we have to worry about it shaking afterwards? - Rain
Rain: Don’t panic. I have one a lot of research on this and the
answer is zombies. They are underground and they are trying to get
above ground to eat brains. But the Earth is keeping them underground.
Sometimes these things happen but know that the Earth does great job
of keeping the zombies underground, but if they do escape you need to
run like the wind Bullseye.