Sunday, September 8, 2013

Reba is our Sepember 8, 2013 Pup of the Week

When I was on the living side of the River of Life I had knee problems.  At least twice in my 13 years of existence I had my knee pop out.  The first time it did oh man did I raise a ruckus. The second time, when I was older, and more mature, I just lifted my back leg and limped around until I got to the vet and they fixed it.

I never appreciated how important my legs were but lately, with all the issues my Pups of the Weeks have had, which have brought them to my side of the River of Life, I realized we should never take our legs for granted.

This week another friend lost the ability to walk on all fours, and that condition was caused by a growth in her body.  Her Mom made the decision to send her over the River of Life to our side of the Bridge, where, like Abby the week before, Reba came running up the stairs like a young pup, gave me a kiss, and got sworn in as the newest Labbie at Rainbow Bridge.

I must say Reba’s arrival was a shock to me.  I have known her for six years, almost half my life on both sides, and, even though I knew she was suffering from hip problems, I never knew that she was as sick as she was.  But sometimes the problems we are exhibiting don’t logically lead one to the problem that takes us..

I have posted a couple of pictures of my first sister, Blake since I passed over.    She was with us less than a year after I came home.  Like Reba she had some problems with her legs, and then one day she could barely stand and lost the ability to hold her pee.  My parents took her to the vet, and she never came home after the vet found a growth.

Reba was showing signs of lameness but doing well.  She was playing and swimming one day, and then the next she couldn’t stand. couldn’t eat or drink, and was panting heavily.  Her Mom rushed her to the vet where, like in Blake’s situation, a growth was found.  Seeing Reba in such pain and knowing chances of recovery were quite slim Reba’s Mom decided to help her across the River of Life.

For those friends on the living side of the river Reba’s loss is devastating.  What a smart, loyal, kind friend she was to us all.  She left everyone with 1,000 smiles, 1,000 memories, 1,000 stories.  She went from living alone with her Mom in Washington to being the leader of the Labbie pack in San Diego.  She told me her story like this:

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the Lab Queen of a town called SD

In west Washington born and raised
In the barnyard where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all chasing rabbits outside by the pool
When a dog named Dodger up to no good
Moved in to make trouble in my neighbourhood
Mom wanted a job where she wasn’t working for free
And said "We’re all moving to a new town called SD"

I whistled for horse trailer when it came near the
License plate said "fresh" and had a horse tail and feed
Every time we hit a bump this horse did it’s pee
It didn’t bother me, forget it, yo homes to SD

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the horsie "Yo, homes smell you later!"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Labbie Queen of SD

Reba made a point of telling me she wanted this printed and she hopes it makes you smile because Reba is all about big labbie smiles.  She loves her Mom and the Labbies and wants to tell her Mom that one of them will step up to pack leader (but she rolled her eyes when she said it so I’m not sure.)  Most of all she loves you, she misses you, and she will see you in your dreams.

And for those of you who miss Reba know that she is here and she is happy and running like Labs do.  I just have to order more tennis balls.


  1. We are so sorry to read about Reba and we send warm wishes and hugs to her peeps. Run free and fast sweet beautiful lab. Be happy and without pain.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Reba's family must miss her so much. But they gave her that one last special gift of being pain-free.

  3. There were only 2 doggies named Reba in our pack so I felt a special bond with Reba the Labbie even though we didn't bark at each other often. Now we are both at the bridge and when someone barks Reba two of us run to answer as fast as we can now! I want Reba's mom Wendy to know that her Reba is fine now. She's happy, healthy and playing with us all. Sending puppy kisses to Wendy in her time of grief and puppy prayers that she knows she did the right thing for her Reba.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?