Thursday, April 17, 2014

River's Easter Fashon Shoot Meltdown


  1. Oh River, we just had to laugh! You so look like me when Mommy puts on my harness!! I turn into one big wiggle-butt.

    Lily Belle

  2. A hissy fit worthy of a true DIVA. Play bows to you River. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. We don't blame you AT ALL, River. What a mean trick. Actually we're in awe of your gymnastics. We just FREEZE if we have any clothes on.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  4. Oh you poor baby! Looks like the 2014 edition of the Moon Walk!


  5. River - You are not a girl to be contained that's fur sure! AND you certainly do not have any of the characteristics of your 'cousin' Hattie Mae. Perhaps you could go to Texas for a week or two and Aunt Darla could teach you how to appreciate high fashion and do the 'Pose'. Whatdayathink?


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  Henry was able to put three kids through college after inventing bird uber/