went into the crouch position I used when scared. When I arose I felt a
paw on my shoulder and looked up to see the big thing that had been
moved: Tommy Tunes. I don’t know why, because he was with me, and what
had happened to him had happened to me, but I burst into tears, for
him, for his Dad Steve, for everyone on the mortal side of the Bridge.
They had lost something big indeed.
patted me on the head. “It’s OK Foley. I know there is great sadness
on the mortal side. I know my Dad’s heart is broken. So is mine. But
we all have only so many heartbeats, and I got more than anyone I know.
I was blessed with so much time with my Dad. Everyday I got up and
thanked the Big Guy that I was the luckiest dog on the face of the Earth
with the best Dad and the best friends. Now that it is over I have
many friends here.”
told him I hadn’t noticed him climbing the stairs. “Oh I didn’t have
to. A hand picked my up and carried me here.” I had never heard of
such a thing. But then I remember. He was Tommy Tunes. He and his Dad
were always the first: The first friend a dog had on DS, the first
with a kind word to a sick pup, our first laugh of the day, the first
with a tribute to a dog who had passed over. He deserved special
told him I needed to swear him in but he said it wasn’t necessary.
When you are a dog as well known for his good deeds as he was there is
no swearing in process. Of course I was sworn in, but that’s cool.
Tommy did so much.
hope the people who run DS know that. Tommy was exclusively on DS.
No Facebook, Tanner Brigade, or any other site. He was like Streisand
playing Vegas. You wanted to see him you needed to go to one place:
DS. As someone said before he was Doggyspace. More than Zuckerberg
is Facebook. The biggest reason to check DS everyday is now on the
immortal side of life. (Then again I have been here for 14 months and
written more than John Grisham in that time.)
told Tommy that the next step was for him to get fitted for his wings.
Suddenly they popped out of his back. “No fitting needed,” he said.
“They said they have had them ready for years. They are outlined with
gold because of the wonderful love I shared on Earth, how are your
wings?” I tucked my plain wings further behind me and smiled, then
changed the subject telling him we should go to his cloud.
both flew up to it. I had never seen a first time angel fly so
gracefully. He was headed to the biggest cloud in the sky. I tried to
catch up to tell him those were off limits, but he flew through the
cloud and into the most expansive mansion I had ever seen. I landed
next to him. “Tommy, I don’t think we should be here,” I said.
I saw the big oil painting of him and his father over the mantle and I
knew he was in the right place. My claws tapped on the marble floor. I
rubbed against the silk curtains. Tommy went around the corner and
said “cool” then came back with some freshly popped pop corn. He gave
me some. “How big is your pop corn popper?” he asked.
big, real big,” I said nodding. Actually it was a microwave I got at
Sears. On the opposite wall from the painting was the largest wide
screen television I had ever seen. Before he became engrossed watching
something I suggested we go down to the river, look in the waves, and
watch his Dad and Freddie Girl.
I don’t need to do that,” he said. He nosed the remote and turned on
the TV. A live view of his Dad sitting with Freddie Girl came on.
Tommy sighed deeply and put his head between his paws. A slight tear
fell from his eye. It was very moving but I could not get past my jealousy that I had a small screen TV and had to go down to the river to see my loved ones in the waves.
I heard his doorbell. It sounded like church bells ringing. I didn’t
move to answer. There must be a butler. But no one came and I told
Tommy I would get the door. When I answered it I felt like such a
fool. This was why Tommy lived in the most special place at the Bridge
with so many privileges, this is why his Dad will join him here someday,
this was why he deserved all the rewards he had received and more.
was Gina Busch and Pepsi. For those who don’t know Gina was Freddie
Girl’s first Mom who crossed the river after getting cancer (Pepsi had
preceded her a few weeks earlier.) Gina ran across the marble floor to
the couch where she kissed Tommy over and over again, thanking him for
saving Freddie Girl, and Pepsi, who gave me a lick (we see each other
almost every day) went over and gave Tommy a big hug too. Then the three
of them sat on the couch eating pop corn and watching Freddie Girl and
Steve on the wide screen TV.
no longer felt any jealousy over Tommy’s reward. He deserved all of
it, and more, for Freddie, for friendship, for love, for humor, for
caring, for being a brother to a thousand dogs. I slipped out of the
house and went back to my modest, clean, well lit cloud, pulled out my
decree pad and did something not even Tommy could do. I wrote out an
order that all humans must follow,
on DS, I am creating a group called the DS Hall of Fame and the first
dog inducted will be Tommy Tunes. I will let the humans work out how
they want to nominate and vote on other members but I ask that they let
time pass first. Tommy should be the only member for a few months. It
is only fitting, because he was the Babe Ruth, the Beatles, Michael
Jordan, and Joe Montana of DS, all rolled into one..
Simply the best.
“Beautiful Reward” by Bruce Spingsteen
Well I sought gold and diamond rings
My own drug to ease the pain that living brings
Walked from the mountain to the valley floor
Searching for my beautiful reward
Searching for my beautiful reward
From a house on a hill a sacred light shines
I walk through these rooms but none of them are mine
Down empty hallways I went from door to door
Searching for my beautiful reward
Searching for my beautiful reward
Well your hair shone in the sun
I was so high I was the lucky one
Then I came crashing down like a drunk on a barroom floor
Searching for my beautiful reward
Searching for my beautiful reward
Tonight I can feel the cold wind at my back
I'm flyin' high over gray fields my feathers long and black
Down along the river's silent edge I soar
Searching for my beautiful reward
Searching for my beautiful reward
This made tears fall from the beginning....but when Gina and Pepsi showed up--I just lost it. This blog of Angel Tommy is "simply the best".
ReplyDeleteI over heard Rose telling Peaches , Inky, and Daisy that Angel had visted whille they were all sleeping . Angel baby girl told her she was there waiting with the others for him to cross the bridge in to the medow . Where he greeted us all. We all welcomed him licks and sniffs. Be fore he moved on.
ReplyDeleteSimply as ever so sad. We send virtual hugs to their peeps.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
The other side of the bridge is going to be an even BETTER place now that he has arrived. Run Free and Fast Tommy Tunes.
ReplyDeleteTommy's reward for an earthly life well lived is a WELL deserved reward more than any pup I've ever known on the other side of the river or this side. The tribute Foley wrote talked about us all having only so many heartbeats before we have to leave our earthly lives. While I lived just about as long as Tommy Tunes did I didn't accomplish a speck of what Tommy did and I didn't give a speck to others as Tommy did. He's one in a billion. He's The Dog among dogs and while we are happy that he's with us at the Bridge we cry for his Dad and feel the pain we feel for all of our pawrents when we leave them. We will all watch over Dad Steve. Thank you Foley for your Best Tribute Ever.