Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Sinking of the SS DS

It was a cold winter’s evening.  Reese, Kole and Fern had invited River and me to the SS DS for a romantic dinner under the stars.  While Reese enjoyed the cold the rest of us were freezing.  We were going to take a dingy back to the SS Tanner Brigade when Kole suggested we stay in one of the empty cabins.  Being quite cold, and wanting a warm bed, we decided to stay.
I was having a restless night because of River’s snoring when I heard yelling above deck.  I woke River up and told her we needed to investigate.  She hates getting out of bed and I had to force her out.  When we climbed the steps to the main deck humans were running everywhere.  I went to the stern and saw bits of ice.  I looked up and saw that the SS DS had run into two different icebergs labeled “Indifference” and “Financial Irresponsibility.”  I looked over the side of the ship and saw that the crash had ripped a large hole near the water line.  The SS DS was sinking. 
I told River she needed to go warn all the dogs on the ship to get their pictures, journals and comments before the ship sank.  She ran back down stairs and I saw Captain Administrator getting on one of the few life boats.  I asked him if he was staying to help the poor dogs but he said they had to get off the sinking ship as quickly as possible and then they all disappeared into a life boat with the rats who lived down below.
I expected dogs to be hurrying above deck now but no one was moving.  I went back to our cabin and found River in her now tilting bed. “River get up we are sinking!” I yelled.  She snapped at me and told me she was tired.   I dragged her out again and then we went barking down the halls warning our friends.  Soon they were all out of their rooms dragging pictures, videos and journals up the stairs.
We got above deck and it was chaos. Confused dogs were running everywhere with all their belongings but there were no life boats.  The humans had left on all of them.  We were going down.  We huddled in the middle of the boat praying for rescue, and then we saw bright lights falling from the stars towards us.
“It’s the angels!” Jackson yelled out and indeed it was:  Cooper, Bisket Willie, Meika, Otis, Tommy Tunes and led by Foley Monster.  Tommy landed first an assured us we would all be safe because other angels had come behind us to carry us from the ship.
Cooper stepped up and announced that he had summoned the huge Facebook boat.  He had reserved a huge private section for all the pups who wanted to join.  A group of angels lined up to transport the dogs to the Facebook boat.
Bisket stepped forward to say that his Dad was going  to build a new boat for us all from scratch and hoped to have it ready in a couple of weeks and to let him know if anyone wanted to go.  Many, many pups raised their hands.
Then Foley stepped forward and said that the Tanner Brigade was open for those who needed a new ship and many other hands went up.  The ship started to quickly sink and all the angels came down and lifted the pups over the ship, into the night, safe and dry.  Foley stood by the propeller as the SS DS began its final descent to the bottom of the ocean.  Just before it sunk Foley jumped off and then waved her gavel in the air.  Hundreds of sparks flew in the air.  They turned into seagulls and the birds flew for the lifeboats holding the administrators and the birds bombed them with the biggest poop on you award ever sinking the boats and leaving the administrators in the cold ocean.
Then the angels began to sing, joined by the saved dogs, as they were flown to safety:
We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long, (i wont be long)
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go
I was singing this song.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long,(i wont be long )

For more Foley and Pocket adventures you can buy them here


  1. That was so sweet. It made us smile. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Wonderful! I hope sales are going well for you! We will definitely buy the book soon.

  3. Mom's birthday is next month, we think we should get the book for her!
    She would love it
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  4. OMD....What???? No KING OF THE WORLD?????

    Got your book in the mail today and can't wait until we have the time to start reading it! :)

  5. We are going to go look for your book.
    stella rose


Foley’s Tails From Rainbow Bridge - Inseparable

  No one knew the dog’s naagainme, not even its angels. To us, his name was “I wanna be with him.” The dog was born on the street and clung ...