Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday Question

Tell us about you water dish and food bowl.

Our water dish is new.  It is smaller than our older one.  River used to drink all the water in our larger dish and she made herself sick.  Our new bowl is silver and it sits inside a faux wood bowl.  It looks like the kind of bowl dogs would drink out of at an old Englishman's Club.

We are too dainty to eat off bowls.  We eat off plates


  1. Crikey .... your drinking bowl sounds very upper class. You must feel so important when you take a drink. AND you eat off plates. Fair dinkum????? the only plates I get to eat off are the ones Mum puts in the dishwasher. I lick 'em clean before the dishwasher has a go at cleaning them. Not so upper class for me, aye??

  2. My water bowl is a big plastic one as I like my water. My food bowl is about the size of a placemat and very shallow. That allows the kibble to be spread out where I have to eat slower so I don't barf (that used to be a problem). - Abby Lab

  3. We have two stainless steel water bowls that sit side by side in a raised rack. For some odd reason we both drink out of the bowl on the left first. We only drink from the other one if the left one is empty:) For food, Lightning has a bowl that Mom sticks a silver ball in to slow him down. Misty has one of those funky slow feeder bowls that has really worked well. If we can, we do try to eat what's left on the plates in the dishwasher:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  4. Most of our dishes are stainless steel, too. Though Ruby will eat off anything. LOL

  5. that sounds like a stylish bowl... I have a pottery bowl what's locked in a weird construction... I always play bowling with bowls, so the mama had to find a way ;o)

  6. We have PLASTIC bowls and our water is in an old ice cream container....sheesh!

  7. We've always had a special spaniel bowl in our house. It's tapered at the sides so our long ears don't get dipped in the water whenever we drink.


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