Friday, May 25, 2018

A girls night out with Whitley, Sophie and Pepper turns into a rescue mission

With all the new angels we have greeted this month it was time for me to have a girl’s night out.  I gathered my good friends Whitley the Westie who whipped up some awesome clothes for us to wear, Pepper, always a fun little girl, and Sophie-Rae, the most loyal lady I know, who I had to pry from her brother’s Jasper side with the promise of many free Foleytinis.

First I took my girls out dancing.  Whitley is an expert jitterbugger. She is small but her little white paws move quickly.  Sophie-Rae is more of a ballroom girl and every boy in the place wanted to whirl her around the dance floor.  Pepper got up on the bar and kept every entertained with her twerking while I crowd surfed across the floor.

Then we went to Hawaii.  We didn’t want to make light of the terrible problems the volcanoes have caused but when you and your squad get a chance to ride the lava you can’t pass it up.  We were all shot high in the air by the warm liquid and then we went flying down the mountain faster than we have ever gone before. We had never been warmer or gone faster.  We have to warn that this should only be done by the immortal dogs. If a mortal dog tried they could end up more than singed.

We went down to the beach.  It was nighttime and we were going to lay there until dawn when Pepper said that she smelled something burning.  I turned around and saw that my tail was on fire. I ran into the ocean to put the fire out. It caused the ocean to sizzle.

The other girls were laughing at my misfortune and I was embarrassed but then I realized I was with my squad and I laughed with them.  Sophie Rae said we should help the people who have lost their homes. There wasn’t much physically we could do for them but we gave them a special blessing for good luck because there is no worse luck than losing your home to a volcano.

I was again amazed, looking at these poor people who have lost their homes, that they still maintained their strength and dignity.  I try to maintain mine, but sometimes things go wrong, like the other day there was no margarine in the refrigerator. I lost it. I guess that is why we are the support animals.  The humans have the right attitude for the big stuff while we are made to provide them support while they accomplish amazing things.

We spent the rest of the night trying to get pets that had been left behind to the humans who were looking for them. We can communicate with animals better than humans so we directed the pets where to find their rescuers.  After saving as many scared animals as we could Sophie-Rae, Pepper, Whitley and I returned home.

Such is the lives of pup angels.  Even when we try to party we end up helping.  I guess that is what makes us angels.


  1. That was quite the trip but you sweet Angels sure done good!

  2. The volcano is causing so much destruction and grief. It was very nice to see how you Angels were able to do something good to help.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Angel Foley, it sounds like you had a grand time and you are all truly angels!!!

  4. You angel pups did good.

    Momma says Angel Whitley would have loved Hawaii. She was a beach girl and got to go to all three coasts - Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf.

  5. We've been keeping an eye on that youtube continuous live coverage of the lava geysers! Perhaps we saw you pups playing around in there!

  6. Oh my goodness! riding the lava!!
    Hazel & Mabel


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?