Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday Question

What is your relationship to the toilet bowl?  Do you ignore it?  Drink out of it?  Sit on it?  Step on the rim and look down like there is something good down there?

We art too little to drink out of it.  I ignore it  River likes to jump up on the seat to sit.  I think she is trying to figure out what is so special about it


  1. We both totally ignore it unless Mom is sitting on it, in which case Xena always wants pet. XOX Lucy

  2. Dougie Dog: "I am not allowed in "that" room. The human does not
    appreciate dog hairs in "that" room. I have never experienced the pleasure of putting my snout into the loo!"

  3. Our Little Bit drank out of it all the time. We made sure it was always clean so we didn't worry about it. We sure miss her.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. I might give it the occasional sniff. Sometimes angel Joey dog would sleep in the bathroom in front of the toilet. I think he just liked the soft little rug in there.

  5. Da Boyz like to jump up on the tank, and push the box of facial tissues off, but that's just about the extent of their interest.

  6. We pretty much ignore it too...but our Uncles Cowboy and Rocky use it as a water dish!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  7. We've all always just ignored it here!

  8. we mite like de toy letz bowl if de food gurl wood fill it with fish.... :) ☺☺♥♥

  9. Our gated community prevents us from getting to the toilet bowl:(

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  10. My daughter used to dog sit for Toby the Golden Retriever next door. The first thing his mom told my daughter when she came over to meet him was to be sure the 1/2 bathroom door in the foyer was always opened and the commode seat up. Toby would only drink water from the toilet
    Hugs Cecilia


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