Thursday, February 17, 2022

Poetic and Thankful Thursday

 Some of you asked what I was licking in my Wordless Wednesday post. It was a lick mat. The wet food gets in all the cranies and tickles my tongue. Unfortunately, I was licking the remaining can of Pocket's food, and she must not have liked it because today I barfed it all back up. 

I am doing double hopping today so I am going to be tired.



Angel Sammy and Teddy posted this picture for us

Here is today's inspiration

Can you please clean my cellar the woman said
Hardly anything there, you have an easy day ahead
I went into the basement and found head to toe junk
I knew the lady had treated me like a punk
I didn't know where to start, and definitely could not see the end
Much more than I could comprehend
I wouldn't take me hours, but days
To make all this crap go away
But as luck would have it I found the Holy Grail
Hopefully it will be enough to pay mom's bail

 Today I am also joining 

I am grateful for the rain. I have never said that before, but the rain is chasing away the snow, and will let the grass grow.



  1. you saw the cellar of our granny too... there is probably no grail but it needs the same time to clean her trashure cave like people spent to find da grail..

  2. Paying moms bail is a good thing. Well done.

    I'm always thankful for rain. We live in a desert and don't get much rain.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  3. I hang onto empty cardboard boxes; hopefully, if someone has to clean out my house, they'd just use the boxes to put my books in!

  4. Looks like somebody needs to have a garage sale!

  5. That was a darn good poem and a most excellent thankful too. We're all ready for blooming season. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Another great poem, especially the last line, BOL, BOL!

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Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

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