Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Today I am honored to join Brain's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

We realize there are things that we take for granted that we should be given thanks for because we sure miss them when they are gone. This week I am thankful for a patch of grass. After the blizzard, I had to pee on pads, ice, pavement, and snowbanks, and I hated every second of it. After a day of rain, the grass appeared behind the shed. I had to wait for a big mound of snow to meet on the patio, but once I did, I was back on the grass! It felt terrific between my toes and is so lovely to squat on. Thank you, grass. I will never take you for granted again.




  1. we are with you... no snow and ice is a super good thing...

  2. I would agree with you!!
    Grass is so good, though I like to get out when Mum is with me to eat it ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. It's so nice to have your favorite potty place back again! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I'm with you I'd rather have grass or sand between my toes than snow
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We see a lot of yellow snow when walking through the 'hood...there is not grass to see at this time!

  6. No green in sight around here! Everything's snow covered!

  7. river....we total lee heer ya N we iz sorree ewe hafta go out side ta go in de furst place.....heerz hopin de grazz stayz N de snowz goez ~~~~ :) ♥♥

  8. After our big snow we have mostly mud. Mom says it's too early for mud season but our tracks on the floor prove her wrong.

  9. Not to burst your bubble, but (sorry if you thought I meant bubble butt) wherever there is grass there are weeds. And not the kinda of feel-good weeds you may have heard about. Pooping on weeds will only fertilize them so they grow taller and proliferate eventually choking out every single blade of grass. I hope my cynicism doesn't diminish your thankfulness, though because it's actually very sweet.

  10. That is an excellent thing to be thankful for...and soon, spring will come and we all can be thankful for that!


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