Friday, August 5, 2022

Nature Friday - The Hundred Year Old Rose Bush


We are joining the da LLB-Crew, for Nature Friday 


My Daddy’s grandpappy spent the final two years of World War I in a trench in France. The mustard gas, which would end his life 32 years later, at the age of 51, was a constant worry.

When told the men who were lined up with him that once he got home, he only wanted to do one thing: Grow roses.

When he finally came home to the small town of Middleboro Ma, he married his girlfriend, bought a house, and planted a rose bush, that he pruned and fussed over for three decades.

His daughter took a cutting, married, moved to Taunton, MA, and kept the roses growing. His son, my Dad’s Dad, did too.

When Daddy’s cousin married and moved to the northern part of MA, she took a cutling; when Daddy moved into this home, she gave Daddy a cutling.

This is the 100-year-rose bush today, still growing strong, a long way from the trenches in France.


  1. What a wonderful story behind that glorious rose bush, and well done to the various family members for keeping alive something positive to counteract the horrors of the WW1 trenches.

  2. My goodness that is a wonderful Nature Friday post. The granddaddy surely had a way with roses and I'm glad he was able to nurture it for so many to enjoy
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. It's beautiful and what a fine history!

  4. Thatis a lovely family heirloom. The roses are beautiful.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. That is a precious story. I am glad you shared it with us. Thank you.

  6. What a wonderful story! Have you peed on the bush?

  7. What a wonderful story of such a beautiful rose bush!!


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