Monday, October 31, 2022

Foley Tells the Truth About Halloween


Have you ever wondered where the trick-or-treaters who come to your home seemingly from nowhere originate? Well, be sure to be good to them because sprinkled in the group may be some angels.

Halloween is a day the dead walk amongst the living. It sounds a lot more frightening than it is. The dead don't want to hurt anyone; we want to visit the mortal life we once knew.

The caveat is that we cannot use the body we had when mortal, which leads to a lot of body-swapping. Once done, we change into a child's body, and if we want to see a loved one, we go trick or Treating. Little does a mortal who opens the door realize; the little masked creatures awaiting treats are their angels. 

Trick or Treating is going out of fashion, as parents don't trust strangers to give their children candy, and adults find hordes of children begging for food to be a bother. Our chances of visiting our parents in disguise are lessening, but we are still in the shadows, watching our houses and families through shining, inviting windows.

I wish it was easier to pay our families a Halloween visit. The obstacles start with us being lucky enough to borrow a body and then our parents being willing to give out candy to urchins in the hope we would arrive. Sometimes, our parents pass out hundreds of dollars of treats in the unfulfilled hope we will be there; other times, we find a body, get dressed, and see the porch light is out.

Occasionally, it all comes together.

Last year I dressed like a wizard, wearing a mask. Pocket was a princess, Copper a lamb, Jax a power ranger, Skye a headless horseman, and Blake an Ewok. We came to the front door, pressed the bell, and our Daddy came out and gave us candy. Then we looked in the kitchen window and saw our beautiful mom. We waved, she waved back, and then our time was up. We walked on the clouds all the way back to the Bridge. We gave the humans our candy, went home, and went to bed with big smiles. We immediately began planning for next year.

We will stay in our dog form and dress like a giant dinosaur, with one of us on top of the other.

I hope the light is on and the candy is fresh so we can say hi to you before slipping back into the darkness.


  1. That's lovely. So happy it all came together this time.

  2. A huge dinosaur would be memorable, for sure!

  3. That does make a lot of sense and we're really glad you shared that with us.

  4. Wow! We didn't get many Trick-or-Treaters this year. It started raining just as it got dark out. We did see an angel, a googly eyed spider, a little ghost, and a few we couldn't recognize. Maybe our doggie angels, Charisma, Ginger, and Joey were among them.

  5. That is a very cool story for a spooky night!

  6. OMG! YOU guys were the T-Rex that came to our door!!! Mom wondered why we had broken out of the bedroom when that guys showed up, he was HUGE!!!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?