Tuesday, October 13, 2009

With all the men biting dogs Foley and Pocket pay tribute to special Moms and Dads

I had another on-line smack down Sunday, this time when I was on the Sports Illustrated site after the end of the Red Sox game. I signed in under my name Foleymons because I enjoy reading how upset the slope noses get when their team loses a silly game.

But instead of whining and self-loathing in Boston there was a very bad man who kept making terrible comments about Nick Adenhart, a pitcher for the Angels who died in a car accident in April of this year. I know humans can be cruel, but this was at a depth that I have never thought humans could sink too.

That’s the only regret I have of becoming so Internet savvy. Before I learned how to paw a computer on and navigate web sites the only humans I knew were my family, and while sometimes I complain about them, they are all wonderful people.

But the more I surf the Internet the more I see how cruel humans can be. Now, as I watch them be cruel to one another I think this just isn’t a dogs business. We are superior to humans, as the smartest of them are aware, but I don’t want to rub their noses in my moral superiority.

My Daddy’s Pops is a newspaperman and there was an old joke about a dog biting a man was not news but a man biting a dog was. Now every story I read seems to be about men biting, burning, breaking, abandoning and abusing dogs. I think, as a species, we owe some humans a lot more biting then we have done. I believe this is why we all instinctively attacked mailmen. Before the Internet the world’s bad news entered our homes via these blue uniformed puffs, and we wanted to keep out the human’s horrors, so attacking them was our only means. Today our need to connect to one another has brought the horrors in our home by our own paws, although some of us chew the power cords in an effort to stop the information flow.

It’s not just what humans do to other dogs, but their words can be so painful to good dog owners. There is this singer, Jessica Simpson, and I don’t pay much attention to her because she seems sort of silly, but her poor pup, who she loved very much, got killed by a coyote, and like any of our Moms she refused to give up hope and kept looking for her. People on the TV and Internet made fun of her, and now that she has abandoned hope, mean people have used twitter to say they found the dog. That’s just a level of cruelty dogs can’t understand, like how there is no Klingon word for pizza so they don’t understand the concept.

Even here at our own Brigade we have been subjected to human failings. Everyone knows what happened, and there is no need to repeat. I know those who sent the cards and gifts were not wrong; those that received them late did no wrong; and I don’t have enough information on what happened in between to render judgment, but I do know again, it was human failing.

Gosh, you ask us to forgive a lot.

So that’s why when humans do something wonderful us dogs are more amazed then Daddy is when Pocket pees on the grass. And, speaking for the whole Brigade, I think we have a pretty amazing group of Mommies and Daddies here, and we would like to give you all a big paws up.

But most of all I would like to thank Baarney and Taabatha’s Mom and Shadow’s Mom who ran in the Race for the Cure for the disease that made my Mommy so sick and miserable, and they not only included my Mommy’s name on the list of people they ran for which left a Milk bone size lump in my throat, but they also included the name of our beloved Aunt Bev, and that made our eyes leak a lot.

So I would like to take my blog to personally thank them, and raise a Foleytini in their honor. We all know that we have the best group of dogs here at the Tanner Brigade, but we also have one fine group of Lollipops and Daddies here too and we love you all for caring so much for us, and each other.

You all deserve best in show.

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