Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cooper is our July 27, 2014 Pup of the Week

After a couple of quiet weeks we were inundated with puppy prayers this week.  When us angels receive prayer requests we are required to go up the mountain to the Big Guy and give him a print out of all the prayers and he decides yes or no.  Often it is no but we still owe it to the mortal souls united in prayer to get an answer.
There were several pups we got prayer requests for this week but by far the most were for Cooper.  This is his story:  (As always the names are the same because we are all innocent.)
Last Sunday was a bad day in Cooper’s house as he, and his brothers Romeo and Chipper all fell ill showing signs of being lethargic, not wanting to eat and in Cooper’s case vomiting.  Their Mom was most concerned about Cooper who has been battling IMHA for years and seems to have had it licked, but he is still very susceptible to a viral disease.  
The next day Chipper and Romeo were doing better but Cooper was the same, showing no interest in food, very lethargic and miserable.  He had the urge to do his business out of the back end but wasn’t able to.   When he drank water he threw it up   He had no interest in food.  His Mom had been down this road before with his IMHA and it is not a good road.
Unsurprisingly he had to stay in the hospital on IV antibiotics for at least a day with a very high white count.  The more the vet observed our friend the more concerned she became about him  He was dehydrated and “presented” himself as very lethargic.  His Mom was shaken to her core.  
The vet let Cooper go home but didn’t have a diagnosis.  Cooper would have to go back the next day for more steroids, antibiotics and fluids.  The vet hoped that Cooper’s Mom could get him to eat some cottage cheese or boiled chicken.  He also had to wear the cone of shame which did not improve his disposition.
In the morning Cooper was showing signs of recovery.  He followed his Mom into the kitchen in the morning and ate a tiny piece of boiled chicken he had refused the night before, then gobbled down some more.  When they arrived at the vet she was delighted to learn that Copper had eaten and that he looked better.
By nightfall Cooper was on the road to recovery. The vet had determined that the pack had been exposed to something viral and because of Cooper past with IMHA he did not bounce back the way his brothers did.  
The next morning Cooper was a little lethargic, perhaps from his long battle to get back to good health.  He has since been recovering nicely and we angels are very happy that the answer was yes
Also getting answered prayers this week were Barnum and hopefully Chelsea.  Barnum had a major incident this week.  He went into convulsions, couldn’t walk and seemed confused.  A vet wanted him to have an expensive and dangerous surgery for a slipped disc without examining her but his Mom knows her boy, knew he wasn’t in pain, and watched him closely.  He slowly recovered, and while we don’t have an answer to what caused the event, he is getting better, and it is obvious that he is not in pain and was not suffering from a slipped disc.
Chelsea has a leg injury and was on pain meds this week.  We brought prayers up to the mountain that it was nothing torn or broken.  We have not heard an update so we are hoping ono news is answered prayers.
So thank you for a week of answered prayers.

(During writing of this I was called to swear in my old friend Onyx who came to the Bridge this week.  Onyx’s body had given out after 13 years.  He is young and happy again, but his Mom misses him very much.  Not all prayers get answered.  If they did there would be no need to pray.)


  1. We are glad Cooper and Co are getting better and we sure hope Chelsea is too. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Thank you for honoring Cooper as pup of the week. We go to the vet this morning for a follow up CBC. Hope the other pups here, Barnum and Chelsea have good results as well. We love you guys!

  3. So very sorry to hear about Onyx. Happy that Cooper is recovering. Will keep Chelsea in our prayers.

  4. Happy 2nd Birthday to River Song tomorrow!
    Josie and Koda

  5. You told me it was River's birthday today, I hope River can enjoy the day. Number two is still the beginning.
    Prays were answered for Cooper and I pray he continues to get better every day.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Sweet William The Scot


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