Sunday, November 5, 2017

Michele Kenney is our November 5, 2017 Angel of the Week

I hate to write about dogs who pass on to the Bridge.  There is nothing but pain and anguish when a beloved pup joins us.  I try to help the grieving parents be letting them know that their dog is somewhere special, happy, waiting for them.
When a human passes, I am torn if I should write about it.  Humans arrive in a different area.  Their dogs, who have patiently awaited them, and dreaded their arrival, go running to the area where people ascend.  Sometimes we see those dogs, and their humans, and other times we don’t see either again, as they move to the area known as Happily Ever After.
When Michelle Kenney passed to the immortal world, we dogs knew because the pups she had loved who were now at the Bridge ran to the human area, and the clouds of tears shed by those who loved Michelle were so abundant that rain spread across the entire kingdom.
Michelle had been fiercely battling cancer since I lived in the mortal world.  Cancer was very cruel to her.  Whenever it seemed like she was going the emerge victoriously, the disease would come back, over and over.  Michelle was not only a fighter, but she was an inspiration.  Every time she got knocked down she rose up and fought back even harder.  But some cancers are unbeatable, and the one Michelle has could not be conquered.  No one could have fought it as fiercely, with more dignity, honor, and bravery than Michelle did.  She did not lose her fight to cancer.  She had no more weapons to fight, so she moved on to be an angel so that she can give mortal people strength for their upcoming fights.
I cannot imagine how hard this has been for her husband John and her friends and family.  Many only knew this fantastic woman in the social media world, and I feel their pain. The pain of those who knew this delightful woman and no longer have her in their life is immeasurable..
 Michelle shared the wonderful life that she and John experienced with her online friends.  Their marriage, their shore house, the renewal of their vows, the time spent with her loving pups.  Through all of these fabulous times, she was ill, but she was strong.  She was the most admired woman in the world.
Now there is a hole in the mortal world.  When my parents posted a picture of one of us, Michelle always made a sweet comment.  She was wise and funny, and when I check my parents’ Facebook page, I miss her wise words.
I don’t think it is appropriate for me to write about her immortal life.  People have their beliefs and I don’t want to contradict them. I do know that every morning since she arrived I have heard  gleeful laugh outside my window and when I have gone outside I see a brief flash of blond hair and look down to find freshly made treats for me.   All my friends have reported the same phenomenon  
I can assure all of you who loved her that she is happy now, she is no longer sick, and we can hear her beautiful laughter from miles away.  It is the sound rainbows make.  
To those left behind know she has never really left you, she is with you in every way except physical, and she will never leave, because she is as loyal and resolute as ever, until the day when you are reunited, and move closer to the land of Happily Ever After.


  1. Beautiful words for Michele. We did not know her but through your post we certainly felt a LOT of love.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Absolutely beautiful, just like our Michele. Thank you.

  3. A loving tribute to a beautiful human who will be missed by those lucky enough to know her.

  4. I'm so sorry that Michele is gone from the mortal world. I didn't know her but she sounds like a good person. I send peace to her family and friends.

  5. you wrote a wonderful post and you found the best words...

  6. That is a very sad loss indeed. Sending lots of POTP and prayers to her family.

  7. Thank you for the beautiful tribute to a very special lady.

  8. This is a very sad loss. She sounded like a wonderful person. Pug prayers going out to her family and friends
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. We are very sad for your loss. stella rose


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  Henry was able to put three kids through college after inventing bird uber/