Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday Question

What is your bath and/or grooming schedule?
We get bathed usually once a week.  Mommy likes us smelling good.  We get groomed every six weeks.  We think it is overdone but you know moms


  1. We get baths when we need them and some of us are messier than others. Unfortunately for the ones with white feet, they get more baths because the dirt shows more.

  2. We don't get baths too often. We do get muddy feet and underbellies, but Mom manages with a bucket of warm water and some wash cloths. She couldn't handle us in the tub:) Since we have 2 or 3 times a year when we blow our coats bigtime, we will go to the groomer then, and maybe once or twice more. A good brushing takes care of the dirt pretty well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. We don't have a schedule. Roxy when she rolls in something smelly and the Scotties get dunked after a visit to the river. The scotties also get attacked with grooming tools when they look shaggy.

  4. We go to groomers about once a month, about right

  5. I don't think I'd be fond of a bath that included real water!

  6. We don't have a bath schedule but we do get our nails trimmed every couple of weeks. Mom also cleans our ears if they need it
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. OMD, I would die if I had to have a bath every week! And so would up after MY bath is...a LOT! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  8. only when it needs more than wet wipes, brushes or sponges... it is like a wrestling event and I turn into the undertaker when they make me wet...

  9. I got to the furstealers every couple of months, yep even in WINTER!!!! Baffs are less regular and tend to happen after I've rolled in sumthingy or if I have muddy paws....and generally happen in the SINK!?!!? Most undignified
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. I go to see my groomer Miss Jacquie every six to eight months and get a buzz cut. If I get really muddy, I have to rinse off in the bath tub. Don't worry, I like the playing in the water. All ghostwriter has to do is tell me I have dirty feet and I run upstairs and jump into the tub.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?