Sunday, March 31, 2019

Gracie is the March 31 2019 Pup of the Week

I wanted to make the welcoming of my good friend Gracie special. I strive not to favor one breed over another, but when they are Yorkies like me, it is hard not to show some favoritism.

Gracie looks like me.  She was the same age as I was when I passed. Like me, she was taken too soon from the same terrible disease.  She could have been my sister, and I would swear to treat her like one.

I had advanced notice that Gracie would be arriving. Seven months ago it was discovered that she had a mass.  The doctors operated and removed it. There was a bit of hope. The bloodwork came back good. Then Momma Rene got the call she was dreading.  Gracie had adenocarcinoma. It was aggressive cancer that had spread. Surgery was an alternative, but she would lose part of her colon. Her quality of life would be poor after surgery, and it would only buy a little time.  Momma Rene and Papa Robert loved this baby like a child. They promised to keep her happy and comfortable for as long as they could. But there would be no more extraordinary efforts. Like all songs, Gracie’s was ending. Her parents vowed to treasure every note.

That night Gracie floated out a prayer, not for herself, but her parents. We dogs accept our short lives. We know that humans lives are long complex operas with dark twists and turns that can take nearly a century to complete. Amid that opera is our lives which are one short, stunning aria that holds the entire opera together and is often the best part of the production.

Gracie had heard her parents crying after they got her diagnosis. They were cursing themselves for putting her through an operation that had proven to be meaningless.  But Gracie did not agree. She wanted them to know that at least according to the book of Gracie the operation was proof of how much her parents loved her and the lengths they would go to protect her. And it did buy her more days with her parents. She would have endured dozens of operations to have one day more.

Gracie wanted me to convey that to her parents so they wouldn't be upset.  I told her a single sweet look from her would express that more than a thousand dream dates.
From that day forward Gracie sang her song with a little less energy until the time came when all her notes were gone.

As I was making sure everything looked spectacular for Gracie's arrival, that the flowers were freshly cut, that the steak, chicken, and lamb I had bought for her and her guests were tastefully arranged, and the boxer angel band who would play triumphantly when she Arrived were floating above me.   Then I saw her brother Hagen wearing a new black tie walking towards me.

Hagan had arrived several years earlier. I had been shocked by his appearance. I was the one moderating prayer requests from his family. I thought he was doing better than wham he was here. No one has an easy time when their pup passes, but for Momma Renee and Papa Robert, it was especially cruel.

Hagan had visited his parents dreams the night before and knew they were heartbroken. He did not know if he could heal them. I told him he had before. “But I had Gracie’s help.” He said nervously. I assured him he would again.

Then I heard the familiar sound of little Yorkie paws scampering on wood and saw Gracie running, and barking bigger then herself, all the pain that had hurt her just hours ago was swept away.  She ran up the stairs with her tail wagging. She gave Hagan a big hug, and kiss then gave them to me too. She said she appreciated the effort I put into making the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge look perfect. I gave her the oath.
Gracie ate some chicken and salmon and then she told Hagan they had to get to work.  Their parents needed a tremendous amount of help to get used to those now Gracie- less new normal.  

Their parents should be comforted by knowing that now they had two guardian angels who are working day and night to spark good memories that will make Momma Renee and Papa Robert smile and feel better.


  1. How fortunate Renee and Robert are to have been loved by such an amazing Yorkie. So good that Hagan and Gracie are together.

  2. Such a sweet Angel Gracie, she’ll sure look over her special family.

  3. Love you always sweet Angel Gracie.

  4. so sweet and so touching.. we love you angel gracie

  5. Prayers for Gracie's grieving family
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. May the sweet memories of Gracie soon outweigh the pain in her pawrents hearts!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?