Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Question

Where do you sleep at night?

Pocket:  We sleep in between our parents in the big bed.  I am usually closer to my parent's heads  River stays near the bottom because she is a big woman and needs a lot of space.


  1. You two are so lucky to sleep in that big bed. We are gated in the kitchen, gated so we don't set off the motion detector on the alarm system. But we do like it there. It is dark and quiet - no Dad snoring:) We have two coolaroo beds and two wash n zip beds. Sometimes we double up together, two to a bed; sometimes we just sleep on the hardwood. But we do think we would like to learn what it is like to sleep in the humans' bed:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We sleep with our human in what is now called the dog bed because we outnumber her.

  3. I sleep in the middle. I spend some of the time under the covers and some of the time on top but always in the middle

  4. we both sleep in da big bed. and both with the mama... therefore she is a caninidate for da boneshaker LOL

  5. I sleeps at the head of the bed, preferably on the peeps pillow so that when I SNORE very LOUDLY it wakes them up, hehe
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. I mostly sleep in the cat tree kitty cup!

  7. Syd sleeps in her crate in the den but the rest of us sleep in the bedroom with Mom and Dad. There are six dog beds plus the big chair and we move around a lot switching beds.

  8. I sleep on the living room couch with my comfy blanket and squeaky toys. Sometimes I have trouble jumping up there, so I'll sleep in my doggie bed then.

  9. I, Lucy, sleep between my folks legs when Mom forgets to make me sleep in the bedroom chair.
    I, Xena, sleep wherever I want and my weight doesnt pull the covers off Mommy. During the night I will sleep in Lucy's chair so she can't get in it, in my little bed, or between my folks.

  10. Arty:I sleep at the bottom of the bed, between Mama and Daddy's feet

    Jakey: I sleep at the head of the bed between Mama and Daddy, with my head on Mama's pillow

    Rosy: I sleep in the middle of the bed between Mama and Daddy

    We let Mama and Daddy have 4-6in on each side :-)
    We are nice like that!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty


Foley's Tales From Rainbow Bridge: RIver and the Angry Monkey

  Pocket and I are blessed with classic Yorkie faces. When our faces are at rest, the hair by our mouth curves upward, giving the appearanc...