Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday Question

On a scale of one to ten how crazy are you when your parents come home

Pocket:  A seven, I get excited but mostly to get out of my crate.

River Song: Ten.  When my parents come home it is the single greatest thing that has ever happened to me.  I jump up and down, I run back and forth, I bark my head off, and then I pant for a half hour.  


  1. Misty : At least a 10, maybe more like a 100!!!

    Timber: Maybe a little step down from Misty - 99!!!

    Lightning: I am always very happy to see the peeps come home, but I tend to be more reserved with my exuberance:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We are always very anxious to do the greetings!

  3. Definitely a 10, it's our main job to keep the treats coming.

    Misty and my minions

  4. I find my favorite squeaky toy or chewy bone and proudly prance around with it just to show them that I have safely guarded it while they were gone. If ghostwriter has worked really late (like last night she didn't get home until almost 4am!) I barely put my head up to acknowledge that she's finally home and that she is insane for agreeing to work that late!

  5. I would say a solid 8. sometimes a 10, butts only if it's been a long time. then I run in between her legs like 10 times then grab a toy and insist on play time!
    Ruby ♥

  6. we are a 87... specially when the mama comes back. if our dad comes home we give inruder alert LOL

  7. A 10. I'm an all-or-nuffin girl.

  8. Sometimes we lift our heads to acknowledge HER.

  9. I, Mabel am always excited when my parents come home. As soon as I am let out of my crate I run to grab a toy and bounce with excitement. So far Hilda is kinda laid back but can't wait to get out of her pen too
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. Jakey: Peeps are life...and I must let them know how much I missed them as soon as I hear the garage door open! I bark, I cry, I woo...then when they come in, I add jumping and even more excitement!!

    Rosy and Arty: What? Naptime's over already?? Most of the time we are very layed back,

    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. Lucy: I great them at the door with a smile, a wiggle and lots of wags.
    Xena: I scream, I cry with joy, I bark, I jump. Yep, i get a little excited.


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  No one knew the dog’s naagainme, not even its angels. To us, his name was “I wanna be with him.” The dog was born on the street and clung ...