Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday Question

How do you get your awesome name?

Pocket:  When my parents picked me up for the first time I was small enough to fit in their pocket and I suddenly became Pocket Dog.

River Song:  My parents were fans of the television show "Dr. Who" and one of the characters names was River Song.  They thought it was pretty, and when they saw how pretty I was the name fit.

Foley Monster:  On the way home when I got picked up for the first time I was showing how tough I was.  Daddy said I took high-risk jumps like the professional wrestler Mick Foley.  That is how I became Foley. A couple of weeks later, when my hair grew out in all directions, I became a Monster


  1. I was named Mitsy but when I got rehomed I became Misty
    Chamois: I was Sugar, dumb name
    Timmy: I was Tinker, humiliating name.

  2. Bella and Roxy arrived with their names and at 5 months, were used to them. Dui was named for Ben Macdui, a large hill in Scotland...because it was Scottish.

  3. I was named after the human who owned the Christmas Tree Farm where I was born.

  4. Jakey was named after Jacob in the TV show.

    Arty is named after Arty from the TV show Warehouse 13

    I, Rosy, am named after the flower...I guess my parents ran out of TV shows BOL!

  5. the breeder picked the name for da phenny... and da nelly got his name from his former owner... fortunately, because his furst name from da breeder was nutella...

  6. Mom likes old fashioned names and ones that are easy to say when calling our name in the ring. She just searches on the internet and makes list of names she likes and then narrows it down. Dad has to agree too.
    Mabel & Hilda


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