Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lost and Found: Bishop and Keno's Bad Weekend by Foley Monster

The scariest, most upsetting thing happened this past weekend that caused every angel at Doggyspace to search for two of their favorite mortal dogs, Bishop and Keno. 
Their brother Apollo is a great and well-respected angel.  He was one of my first Doggyspace friends who went to the Bridge.  When I was mortal and Apollo, an angel, he helped me immensely, as he would do again when I became an angel. 

Apollo’s momma Kimberli has devoted her life to dogs.  She always has foster pups in her house; she travels hundreds of miles to find homeless dogs and then trains them to be family pets.   Once they are ready, she finds good homes for them, often taking the dogs to stores for adoption events. 

Momma Kimberli has had neighbor problems.  A decade ago, a nearby resident had tried to poison Apollo.  Thankfully they were unsuccessful. This weekend her pack again suffered because of the ignorance of foolish neighbors. 

On Saturday, Momma Kimberli had taken two of her rescues, Harper and Takaanii, to an adoption day.  Bishop and his siblings, Keno, Napa, Grizz, and Thunder, were in their fenced-in yard where they usually spend their time when Momma Kimberli is away.  Two months ago, the neighboring children kicked a soccer ball over her fence. The ball sat there either because the kids had lost interest, or they were too intimidated by the dogs to retrieve it. 

On Saturday, for some unknown cosmic reason, the boys wanted their ball back.  They went on Momma Kimberli’s property and opened the gate.  

An open gate is like a black hole to dogs.  They get sucked out often without realizing the consequences. Keno, Napa, and Apollo found themselves on the wrong side of the fence. The children got their ball, left Momma Kimberli's yard, and closed the gate, so Grizz and Thunder could not get out, nor the others back in. 

When Momma Kimberli arrived home and saw Napa on the front lawn, she knew something terrible had happened. She got him in the house and checked the backyard.  Grizz and Thunder were still there, but Bishop and Keno were gone, as was the soccer ball. It didn’t take long for her to deduce the children had been in her yard, and her beloved dogs had run off.  She quickly put a missing dog’s post on Facebook and began her search. 

The Facebook angels alerted us that Keno and Bishop were missing.  Angels never panic, but we were all on high alert. We loved both pups.  If we needed a smile, we would eavesdrop on Bishop’s conversations with Momma Kimberli, watch him manage his charges as they attended his doggy classes learning how to be proper pets, and witnessed his care for his beloved fish. 

Apollo located Bishop within minutes of learning he was missing.  But the damage had been done. Bishop had an altercation with a car and ended up on the losing side.  At best, he had a broken leg. Apollo didn’t know if there was internal damage. He told Bishop to stay still, then zipped to his mom and guided her to his wayward brother.  

A relieved Momma Kimberli rushed her little man to the doctor.   He took x-rays and determined Bishop needed emergency surgery to save his leg.  Meanwhile, all the angels were looking for Keno. He wasn’t located until later that evening.  Apollo led him home and told the pup to wait in the front yard. That is where Momma Kimberli found him when she awoke. She gladly let her prodigal son inside.

Momma Kimberli got a call from the doctor. He was able to save Bishop’s leg, and the pup had no other injuries. Soon everyone was back home.  Except for their mom, no one was more relieved than we angels. 

Now, we are praying that Bishop’s leg heals.  He has been injured before. He knows how to pace himself.  And, his mom is an excellent nurse. Considering what could have happened, it’s not a bad outcome.  Everyone is home safe and mostly sound. 
Now Apollo and I are sending out a bunch of big birds to poop all over those terrible kids to make sure they never go in Bishop’s yard again. 


  1. Lock that gate. Just saying. Can't let the dogs out if they can't open the gate. I'm happy this turned out to be a happy ending.

    Prayers that Bishop will heal and quickly.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  2. Good thing none of those doggies lost their lives from that incident. I hope someone had a long talk with those kids, and their parents!

  3. I am so glad that Bishop and Keno are both okay now. Dang, I'm afraid there would be all hell breaking loose if our butthole neighbor ever did anything to the kitties, it would be quite unpleasant for miles around. Bless you Angels and bless Bishop and Keno too.

  4. Mom always worries about that happening with us. All the neighbor kids have strict orders NOT to go in the yard without asking first. We are happy this story had a happy ending except for the broken leg. Hope Bishop heals well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Those poor kids have never been taught responsibility or regard for other people and dogs.We're glad Keno and Bishop survived their thoughtlessness.

  6. such neighbors are sent from deepest hell.... we are so glad that it ended at least well...

  7. That was a very scary story, but we are so happy it all ended as well as it could. Us husky owners live in fear about something like that happening.

    Kiki and Rosie

  8. oh how scary,we are glad that they were found and will be OK
    Mabel & Hilda

  9. Big bird poop is too good for those rapscallions!! Happy for the good outcome, but the parents should have to pay that vet bill!!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?