Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday Question

Do you have a Christmas disaster story?

Pocket::  Several.  We are having one right now.  We ordered 60 cards from SnapFish.  We began addressing them today and discovered they only sent 43.  (I looked down River's throat, and she had not eaten them.)  I called the number on Snapfish's website, answered a preliminary question, and good news!  I was getting a new Life Alert bracelet.  I called the number again and bad news! I am getting a second Life Alert bracelet.  Unless I am reborn, the second bracelet seems superfluous.  I finally contacted someone online, and they said they would send out the missing cards, and they will get here...December 23.  We will try to get the missing cards out that day, but don't be upset if they arrive in your mailbox after Christmas and never buy your cards from a fish.  


  1. Whoa, bummer! Their mistake, but all you get is a bracelet or two...

  2. We think they should give you a discount
    Mabel & Hilda

  3. What a mess! We haven't had any disasters like that.....yet.
    It's amazing how getting to talk to a 'human' sorts out problems.

  4. BOL BOL never buy your cards from a Fish. That is so frustrating though!! I commend your good attitude LOL LOL
    One year we came home to find our first cat Milky-Way sitting in the middle of the tree. Great big eyes glaring at us. I think he was snickering at us too. Luckily we had not put decorations on it. We decided to ignore him. He came out on his on very gracefully the tree didn't even move.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Dang, gotta watch those fish...especially those that can't count.

  6. So how much will it cost to overnight the card on Dec. 23?

  7. Well, that is a bummer for you. We thank you for your e-card - it was very nice.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. we have 87 or more... from printers with a damaged cartridge what gave the mama a green forehead to misprinted cards with Mary Christmas...LOL

  9. I guess that snappy fish are mean and don't want to do what's right, huh? We always order our cards from Vista Print, and they always do a good job. This year Mom got drink coasters from them, too, with our Christmas picture on them. We don't use them, since we drink out of our bowl on the floor, but Mom sure smiles when she uses them.

  10. I just love that you all still do the card thing!


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?