Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday Question

Do you have a special Christmas ornament or decoration?


  1. We have a figurine ornament on the tree and also a little picture star with our pictures on it.  

  2. we have two baubles with our names on it...they are high above so we can not play with it...

  3. We have several trees around the house and one of them is all and us with our special ornaments. It's the prettiest tree in the house.

  4. We don't have any decorations at all. Gave them all away long ago. I love this pup. So adorable.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. All of the ornaments the kids made in school. We pack them up every year for the next year.

  6. We don't decorate for Christmas, but I have a sleigh-shaped basket that I fill with scratch-off lottery cards when I visit my relatives.

  7. We all have special ornaments with our names or names and photos on them!

  8. Mom says it's the schnauzer one with Lexi's name on it. XOX Lucy

  9. we iz knot even a loud ta haza tree !!! itza "cat thing" ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  10. We have a few ornaments with our names on them and a couple of Siberian huskies. Mom needs to get a special one for each of us:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Angel Dory has her own ornament....I think we may get Mama our own ornaments as gifts for Christmas this year!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. Can you believe that mom puts Garfield the Cat ornaments on our tree?? I have my own stocking but Hilda does not have hers yet
    Mabel & Hilda


Poetry Thursday

  We are again participating in Two Spoiled Cats Poetry Thursday Here is the photo that was selected to inspire us When Irish Red was a litt...