Sunday, December 29, 2019

Petey Finds His Mom a Lily-Rose

 My dear friend Petey lived with his mom for more than 20 years.  They were a perfect pair. Petey had his special ways. He could be aloof with strangers.  Living two decades does that to a dog. But to his mom, he was perfect.

When Petey passed to the Bridge a year ago, we didn’t know if his sweet mom would ever get another dog.  She and Petey were like peas and carrots; they went together perfectly. Finding a pup who measured up to Petey was going to be hard. 
Petey began searching for a new pup for his mom soon after he arrived at the Bridge, but he never found a dog who met his criteria.  He used the Goldilock standard. He was searching for a dog neither too sweet or too mean, too hard, or too soft.  

This dog would also need to have the proper attitude.  Petey knew after 20 years together; it would take a long time for his mom to let another dog into her heart.  So much of the joy in her life was triggered by specific things Petey did. No dog could do the same and if they did, they would just be a pale imitation of the original. 

Petey decided he needed to find a dog who had never been loved.  He spent time in the saddest places, the backyards of people who overbred.  It was there that Petey met Lily-Rose, an exhausted pup who had been used solely for breeding purposes.  While Lily had never known the touch of a kind human Petey recognized a sweetness in her soul. 

Lily-Rose was rescued from the heartless Kentucky breeders.  There are countless numbers of these despicable businesses in the commonwealth, but it is a place where the governor pardons child rapists, so what are you going to do?  Breeders are low on the list of Kentucky's biggest problems. Lily-Rose got placed in a foster home. She had never known grass, or a house, or love. Her foster parents had to start from scratch like she was a new born.  Thankfully, they did a fantastic job, and over time Lily-Rose was ready to become a family member. 

Petey was tasked with the most difficult part of the endeavor.  He had to convince his mom that she was ready for another dog. At first, she balked, but with each dream visit Petey wore her down, mostly by insisting that, even if she didn’t want a dog, she is a fantastic pup mom, and that is what Lily-Rose needed.  Saying no would be selfish and Petey's mom has never been selfish. He wanted her to do it more for Lily than for herself.  

Petey’s mom was told to find Lily-Rose on the internet and inquire about her. which she did.  After that Petey and the angels made sure that Lily-Rose went to Petey’s mom, who would become Lily-Rose’s mom, even though, in her mind, she will always be Petey’s mom.

So now a mom who isn’t sure she has more love to give is with a dog who has never known love.  They might be a match made in Rainbow Bridge. Only time will tell. 
As for Lily-Rose, her life has never been better, and she has never been happier.
She has the best mom in the world
Petey would agree. 


  1. Petey sweet Angel...well done Lily-Rose is the perfect pup to look after your sweet Mama. Lily-Rose has perfectly symmetrical face markings.
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. I'm so happy for Lily-Rose and her very special Mom too.

  3. Here's hoping for a very happy future together for Petey's mom and Lily-Rose.

  4. How fortunate Lily-Rose had Petey to guide his reluctant Mom to adopt her. I am sure it will work out beautifully for them both. A match made in heaven always does, right?

  5. Puppy mills need to END!
    Here's to Lily-Rose and her human, may they have many happy years together!

  6. What a sweet story and we are sure this will be a sweet story for years to come.

  7. How wonderful for them both! Our Rosie came from a similar situation and she is the sweetest pup ever...

    Kiki and Rosie

  8. Sounds like Petey found the perfect match!

  9. We are sure a new love story has begun for Lily Rose and Peteys Mom
    Mabel & Hilda

  10. I am so happy to read this. Way to go Petey!

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