Friday, December 27, 2019

Soup Goes to Jail

My friend Soup had quite a week.  He got lost, then he went to prison, and later he got paroled.  Here is his story. 

I couldn't find him anywhere, and then I saw a mile from where he ran off the Alabama State prison. He couldn't possibly have gone to jail.  Regardless, I decided to check. There in the middle of inmates playing basketball was Soup barking and dancing around, delighting the men. 

When he was done frolicking, he was given a place to lie down and some food.  Soup curled up and went to sleep after a hard day's play. I went into his dreams and told him his family was frantically looking for him.  He was excited to hear this but didn’t want to leave his new friends. He asked me if his pals could visit him at home. I told him it was possible, in about five to ten.  

I made sure, through a dream visit, that Soup’s parents discovered he was doing time at the state pen, where he was very popular.  The inmates loved playing with the rambunctious dog. He brought a rare bit of sunshine to their dreary prison lives. I explained that the prisoners were hoping to extend his sentence. 

Both the prisoners and the guards were disappointed when Soup’s father contacted the prison and arranged for Soup to get early parole. The inmates were happy he was getting out.  But they would miss him. 

 There are a lot of wonderful reunions that take place outside the prison walls, but none more than when Soup saw his dad again.  Dogs love pleasing every human they meet, but there are always a few humans that dogs are born to bring joy to, and for Soup, that was his family

Soup’s Dad has promised to bring him back to the prison to visit his friends.  He might even invite them to the house when they finish their sentences. A dog like Soup is the best reason to want to get rehabilitated.

Now he has to get better at call and response, so he does not end up in the hoosegow again.


  1. How fun. This made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

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  2. Oh my word Soup you were Stew there for a few minutes.
    This is such a great story with a happy ending.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Dogs can make a real difference in the lives of even hardened criminals. Good for Soup.

  4. That was a great story. We're sure the inmates will miss Soup.

  5. Too bad Soup can't be two places at once!

  6. Awww, his new pals sure appreciated his visit.

  7. I don't think da prison life would be for me - I couldn't fit all my stuffies in a cell.

  8. Lovely story about Soup, and I'm so pleased he was reunited with his family after his fun time with new friends. It reminds me of an episode with my first dog, Hamish the Westie. Shortly after I adopted him, he ran off when I was out with friends on a hill walk, 20 miles from home. After searching of a couple of hours I contacted the police. Soon after, they called back, saying they were holding him at the local police station. When I went to pick him up, I found him locked in the police cell, behind bars, calmly sipping at the bowl of water the coppers had kindly provided! Cheers, Gail.

  9. Great story. Can never have enough of new friends.

  10. We've heard of many prisons who allow the inmates to train dogs, and it helps them rejoin society after their sentences are over. Looks like this prison needs more dogs!

  11. You've just gotta go where you're needed most, right? Thankfully, Angel Lexi always asked Mom to drive her there. XOX Xena and Lucy

  12. Soup did you get an orange jumpsuit to wear? I think they are quite fashionable and orange would be a great color on you. Well Let’s forget the baggage of the past and make new baggage in 2020. A toast to new baggage.
    Happy New Year!
    Sweet William The Scot

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Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?