Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday Question

What would you do if your parent was in danger of attack?

Pocket:  Run and hide.  I wasn't built for fighting.

River:  I would fight them off unless they had a treat.  Then my parents are on their own.



  1. we would place a bet who wins LOL

  2. Kesinlikle onu kurtarmak için elimden geleni yapardım.

  3. Our Mom has asked herself that numerous times. She thinks Lucy would hit them with her wagging tail and lick them into submission.

  4. Manny and Chili Bruce would lick us, if we were down!

  5. Bark at them with my "big boy" bark, and then attack if need be.

  6. Kind of sums up our Little Bit too. She never met a stranger. We sure miss her.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. cats bee in cats N all... we wood prob ablee be sleepin N knot even noe what waz goin on ;) ♥♥

  8. Not sure. If anyone came behind our gate, or tried anything while we're on leads, we'd probably fight. Actually, we make so much aggressive noise and gnashing of teeth, don't think anyone would come in. But, as you say, a treat is another category!!

  9. We aren't sure what we do, but since we love our Mom and Dad, we would like to think we would bark and charge at those bad people.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  10. We don't know what we would do either....hmmmmmmmm
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. Norma Jean would bark but Mackey would take them down, or maybe run and hide.


Poetry Thursday

  It is time for another Poetry Thursday hosted by our friend the Two Spoiled Cats Gary was 24 when he first opened the duffus store. Having...