Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday Question

Does your name have any significant meaning?

Pocket: The day I met my parents they remarked that I was so small I could be smuggled out in a pocket.

River Song:  I was named after a character in Doctor Who and because my parents thought the name was pretty.


  1. da mr. phenny got his name because it was da m-year... the plan was to name him mephisto, but the breeder had still a name so we agreed. but if you ask me, mephisto would fit much better... my name was Nutella and I've got a new name by da furst owner, just because it was da n-year... I'm glad he changed it... who will have the same name like something that has 20k calories per spoon?

  2. Bazı isimler çok güzel olmasına rağmen, kötü anlamları olabiliyor.

  3. River Song - are your parents Dr Who fans - I sure am. I like your name too.

  4. There is usually a story behind how our babies get named.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. I came with the name Brian, I reminded my rescuer of a Brian she knew.

  6. -Celestial Chucky was named Chocolate, for his dark fur, but we shortened it.
    -Celestial Angel was named for my father, who'd passed just before her birth.
    -Paddy O'Malley's name was concocted for the fact that his fur is the color of Guinness Stout.
    -Sweetie was called Mamacat for years, even after she'd ceased to have her baby-making parts. As she mellowed and became less feral, she was so sweet, so that's what we called her.
    -Manny was Superman, and Chili Bruce was Bruce Wayne; we adapted from there.
    -Angel Hobo was a feral, who never allowed any human touch. He used the alley to travel around, so The Hubby thought of Hobo.
    -Angel Sammy was actually Guy, or New Guy, when I trapped him to take him to the low cost spay/neuter clinic, but I had to run off to work and The Hubby forgot Guy's name and instead thought up his grandfather's name!

  7. R cuzin daiz waz named after de gal in de book "great gatsby"

    me tuna, waz named afturr gram paw dude whooz fave o rite food in de hole werld waz tuna

    mackerull boomer junior butter feeld was named afturr a fish coz oh trout towne; N cuzin boomer who lookz enuff like mackerull ta haz been haz dad !! ☺☺♥♥

  8. I, Lucy, was named that because Mom said "Everybody loves Lucy!" (and I love everybody, too!)
    I, Xena, was named after the very brave Xena Warrior Princess. Daddy says it's something I can keep trying to live up to.

  9. Lightning: Dad didn't like any of the names Mom liked. We already had a Thunder, so I got dubbed Lightning because I am white like lightning.

    Timber: Well, at my first home at the breeder's I was called Bucket Head because the markings on my face looked like I was wearing an upside down bucket. I am really glad Mom and Dad liked Timber better although it has no special meaning.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  10. Jakey is really Jacob and is named after the character in Lost

    Arty is named after the curly haired character Arty in the TV show Warehouse 13

    Rosy...well, Mama says Angel Dory whispered Rosy's name into her ear

    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

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  12. Okays, weird postie above....wtd??
    Anyhu, Yes, I am named after a Demon on the teevee show Supernatural. She's a smart-ass demon, butts with a heart...☺
    I likes the back story of your names! I had a feelin' Pocket was because of that....
    Ruby ♥


Monday Question

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