Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Texas Dogs and His Sons Are Reunited in New York City


When dogs have litters, we know we only have three months together before being separated forever.  We are devoted to our people.  That is why we can’t keep our babies; it is impossible to give our whole hearts to humans and kids.  It is a tricky proposition.  

It is even more challenging for a dog dad to maintain a relationship with his children.  Most of the time, they aren’t even there when the litter is born.  Their job is wham, bam, thank you, ma’am. 

But, once a puppy starts becoming self-sufficient and stays with their parents, they bond, and if they are ripped apart after that, it becomes painful—the earlier the separation, the better. 

Marvin, a Texas dog, was thrilled when two of his offspring stayed with him at their home. They became more like brothers than father and sons.  That did not interfere with his love for their parents.  But, when times became hard, their parents surrendered them.  

They brought the threesome to the Doctor Dolittle Rescue.  From there, Marvin was the first to find a forever home.  Mattie Kahn and Jason Hellerstein adopted Marvin and brought him to their apartment in Manhatten’s Upper Westside.  Marvin was thrilled to be at a new home but missed his sons, who could end up anywhere.

Not long after Marvin was adopted, his son Leo found a home with another couple on the Upper West Side.  Leo’s dad contacted Dr. Doolittle for some information needed for the vet and was told that his birth father lived in the same area, and Leo’s brother was still looking for a home.

Leo’s mom had a neighbor who was looking for a dog.  She asked the woman to call Dr. Doolittie and ask about the status of Leo’s son Murray.  Thanks to some hard work by the volunteers at the rescue, and some angel magic, Marvin was adopted by the neighbor.  On a play date, an overjoyed Murray and Leo were reunited

The two dogs were brought to the park to reunite.  They were delighted to see one another again and barked, kissed, and ran in circles. All that was left was to find their dad.  Their owners knew he was living in the city but could not be told the name and address.  It would take some sleuthing.  

Once again, we angels took control.  We got Leo’s parents and Marvin’s to walk down the same street simultaneously.  Leo’s mom barely paid attention to the strange dog, which he happily greeted on their walk.  When Leo’s mom got a sight of the other pup, she realized it looked precisely like Leo.  She asked the human on the other end of the leash how she got her little one, and within minutes they discovered the family was reunited.

Leo’s parents called Murray’s, and that weekend a dog family reunion was held at the park.  It was indeed a miracle that they were reunited, but that is what we do best. 

Don’t ever give up on seeing someone in your family again.  Not when you have determined angels on your side.          


  1. that is such a wonderful think to have a furmily reunion...

  2. This must have been a canine mirace, with NYC as huge as it is, and these pups all the way from TX. Wow!

  3. We can really appreciate this story because six of our puppies lived here with their mom and dad. The other two lived nearby and we saw them often. They all loved being together and I loved watching them interact.

  4. What a delightful post.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  5. Very much a feel good story
    Hugs Cecilia


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