Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday Question

 What is your favorite game


  1. Pocket: I have a red ball that I like to chase. I don't pick it up much anymore but I love to chase

    River Song: When I stand on my back two legs my head is just below the arm of the kitchen chair. My parents put a kibble on the arm of the chair. I have to knock if off and into my mouth. It is very exciting.

  2. Misty: My favorite game is to chew on Timber's neck.

    Timber: My favorite game is keep away - that is, keep all the toys away from Misty.

    Lightning: My favorite game is watching my silly brother and sister.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. da nelly liked to snitch everything he can get... and my favorite game is to call the mama, to show her da disaster...

  4. When she steals the seating spot in my polka-dot chair, I sit atop the back and start combing da hu-moms hair with me-claws. She goes "owie June, no no". But she went and got it cut super-short the other day, not so much fun now ... need to find a New Game To Play! That was, repeat, was a fun game.

  5. Xena: My favorite thing to do is practice my Freestyle dancing with Mommy. That's not really a game, but I get lots of treats. I also like to play ball.
    Lucy: I don't play games. But I do like to do zoomies with anyone who will run with me in the front yard.

  6. Angel Little Bit loved to fetch with dad. They had a ball doing that.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  7. Hi friend! Ojo here! My favourite game is any kind of training game where I get to work for treats! Hurray!!

  8. Hi guys! Sorry we have taken so long to catch up! We are so furry behind. My favorite game is chasing the ball! (Cinnamon) Mine is whqpping Kozmo and Marv (Jo Jo). Marv and Kozmo both say WRESTLING with my brother!

  9. Definitely the photo shoot game! We go outside with the camera, and GW has treats in her pocket. I will bark and make funny faces for the camera, and get rewarded with yum yum doggie treats. The Magic Yum Yum door is another of my favorites.


Monday Question

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