Friday, August 12, 2022

Nature Friday

 Some pictures of lilies from our Big Little Angels 3 Gardens


I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my dad
He said, "Son now here's some little something"
And stuck them on my wall
And now my nights ain't quite so lonely
In fact I, I don't feel bad at all
Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night
Pictures of Lily solved my childhood problems
Pictures of Lily helped me feel alright
-Peter Townsend- 
Nature Friday is hosted by hosted by da LLB-Crew,


  1. Those are such beautiful lilies. Gail wants you (and everyone) to know that she once spoke to Pete Townshend in a tapas bar in London, in about 1994.

    1. What are the odds of running into :Pete Townsend in a bar? Probably pretty good.

  2. The lilies are just beautiful!

  3. Oh Ruby Rose I need t wall paper my bedroom in lilies. I sleep poorly 5 night out of 7 now explaining as I do the same thing each night to prepare for bed.
    tonight I will visualize giant lilies in my mind's eye
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Such pretty flowers and grand lyrics too!

  5. Hi friend, Ojo here! Very pretty!

  6. Wow...such beautiful lilies and the colors are amazing!


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