Friday, April 21, 2023

Foley Monster's Tales from Rainbow Bridge: Blaze's Long Trip Home

Blaze was confused.

    She and her sister Lady were brought to Blaze’s first mom while her forever. Mom had rotator cuff surgery. She enjoyed visiting with her first mom, who had surrendered her to her forever mom but wanted to go home.

    Momma Gail, her forever mom, was released from the hospital and hurried to retrieve her babies. That is when she received the shock of her life. The original mom refused to give Blaze back, telling Momma Gail that Blaze was only given to her temporarily. Momma Gail could not believe her ears. She pleaded with the woman, but all her efforts were for naught. The woman told her she would never return Blaze.

    Momma Gail was shocked and determined to get her baby back. She went to the police with bills from trainers and groomers, plus         Facebook posts from the thief saying she gave Blaze to Gail. The police said they could not do anything, and Momma Gail needed to go to Smal Claims court and get a judgment that ordered the woman to return Blaze.

    Momma Gail went to court and received a date several weeks away.     It seemed like a lifetime.

    Worst of all was Blaze. She thought she would be going home with Lady and her mom. Instead, she was left behind. She could only draw a single conclusion. Her mom no longer wanted her.

    That is when Momma Gail’s angels, led by Max, went to Blaze and tried to explain the complicated situation. Blaze was happy his mom was fighting for her but worried she would never return home. 

    The angel's most extraordinary task was to have Blaze learn something she had not shown in her young life: Patience. She had to wait for the court system to work and not run off in search of her real mom.

    The wait was torture for all involved.

    Momma Gail gathered her training and grooming bills for Blaze and got the people who provided those services, played all the Facebook posts, and nervously waited for the court date, worried that her baby’s fate was in a stranger’s hands.

    Luckily, when the court date arrived, a judge who believed in fairness, and wanted to see justice done, got the case and quickly ruled for Blaze’s mom, giving the woman three days to surrender her. The woman did it in one, and a thrilled Blaze was back home with her family.

    That night at the Bridg,e Max and his angel siblings received a   massive party for keeping Blaze calm and helping justice be served.

Most of all they did not submit to the base emotion of vengeance.

That is my job.I sent a dozen birds to poop all over the bad lady’s     house.

    That should teach her.


  1. Thank you. Gail Watson I was unable to log on to my google account.

  2. Such great news! We were so worried but SO happy when we learned the judge did the right thing!!!! From Chipper and Jax!

  3. I loved every word and what a wonderful celebration right here in my mind for Blaze and his mommy.

  4. That was really the totally purrfect ending!

  5. We were all praying for Blaze to get home quickly and was relieved when court date came and the evil woman lost but returned Blaze that very day to judge andGail went to get Blaze. Thanks Angel Foley fromDallas and Belle


Foley's Tails From Rainbow Bridge: Wiley

Once a week I get together with my old friend Hobo to enjoy a morning wall then stop at the deli for a bagel and lox. I met him outsid...