Thursday, April 27, 2023

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday.

Harold sat in the middle of his web

And now his energy did start to ebb

He had made a beautiful web attached to a tree

But now the poor spider had to pee

A web needed to be sticky

And the wet made it tricky

To make a shortie out of a long story

The spiders chipped in on a tree lavatory

But now Harold was right in the center

And as he had been taught by a mentor

A big meal would be his if he could only wait

But he really had to urinate

Then an innocent fly got stuck

And it said “what the duck”

The only hope of avoiding being supper is

If this spider needed to take a whiz

The fly couldn’t believe his good fortune

Since in fly school he was an angry urchin

The spider would grant his freedom wish

If he watched the web while Harold took a piss

The fly readily agreed

And soon was freed 

As Harold hurried into the tree

And let out a stream of wee

When he came back he saw his web had been destroyed

That little fly must have been on a steroid

And while being homeless was a new wrinkle

At least he didn’t have to tinkle


  1. Moral of the story - never trust a formerly angry fly, no matter how apparently 'innocent'...

  2. ha! great... from now on all spiders are harold for us LOL

  3. BOL BOL didn't have to tinkle you always have the best closings
    Hugs cecilia

  4. What a great poem and we can see it all happening☺

  5. Guess I never thought about spiders having to wee!

  6. BOL! BOL! That was a great story in poetry! When you gotta go, you gotta go!


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