Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Ruby Rose Report: My Spot


For dogs, their place is near their humans. Our favorite spots are snuggling on a lap, under a warm blanket, next to a human, or under the covers.

           But sometimes we need a place of our own for some time.

           I finally have one.

           It happened after the Christmas tree was shoved in a bag like a hostage and brought into the little house in the back where the ornaments and garden supplies are kept to await an elf to pay a ransom of eight months sunshingarden growth. My parents have limited space to rearrange the furniture. They can only swap the loveseat, the lift chair, and a couple of end tables. When they did, they discovered it opened up a space in front of the TV.

           My predecessors did not occupy much space: They were happy in the kitty condo. They didn’t enjoy toys as much as I did. But I need more living places to spread out on a blanket or mat and chew my toys.

           This was the result.

           I have a warm blanket to live on while I chew from my bone collection, but it is accurate and plastic. I scored this Christmas when I got four little natural hollow marrow bones, which were packaged for a holiday sale and are now in an early January sale. They are my favorites right now, but I know I shall soon succumb to the siren song of the Nyla bone.

           I also have my soft toys nearby, Both squeaky and crinkly. I prefer the wavy, and that squeaking gives me a headache.

           At the end of the blanket is a small, thick mat that leads to the world-famous leopard skin vagina condo with a sauna, swimming pool, and library where I can relax. Also near my mat are my tornado treat game and, finally, my never-ending snuffle mat, which will always have one more kibble, no matter how much I search.

           I spend most of my time in contact with one of my humans, but a few times a day, I need my space, and I get down, lie on the rug, and chew my bones and crinkle toys until I am ready to go back with my humans. This library lasts as much as fifteen minutes before I need to be in touch with my human again.

           While I didn’t spend much time there today, I am happy to know I have my own spot. It makes me feel important to have my own place.

           Even if I never use it.




  1. Wow Ruby, that is quite the piece of real estate you have established there for your own personal use. I'm impressed.

  2. we all need our boy or girl cave... ours is the bed, butt our staff knows no distance... sigh...

  3. "...after the Christmas tree was shoved in a bag like a hostage..." Hahaha! Ruby, we give Manny, CB, and Sweetie multiple beddies, blankets, cushions, and they each go off to sleep in a box or on some cardboard half the time. It's not our world; the humans just live in the world that they've created for their doggos and cattos.

  4. You have created the perfect get away spot for you and your toys, Ruby Rose.

  5. Ruby Rose we all need a place that is 'just' ours. After all humans have
    'their' chairs. Angel Madi had lots of places but she really liked the white chair by the fireplace. During Christmas chair location was where the tree was placed. The chair moved over to the dining room. It got more sun. She learned quickly it was a OK there too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Your special spot is so important and I'm glad you made your discovery!

  7. Having your very own special spot is a very good thing, Ruby!


Monday Question

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