Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Question

 When did you begin posting (as a pet) on social media

Ruby's answer: Foley began in a site called Doggyspace in 2009, and blogging on her own in 2011


  1. I joined Dogster/Catster in 2009, and began blogging after they closed in 2014.

  2. 2011... as I bought the running egg for Easy and looked if there are dog owners with dogs who hate it too (yes, found them at blogs LOL)

  3. Well I started blogging as soon as I came to live with Gail in March 2022. But Gail started blogging (on Blogger) on behalf of Hamish the Westie in 2008 and has been blogging more or less continuously ever since!

  4. Angel Maggie started our blog in 2006 and we've been blogging ever since.

  5. yeow ruby…therz a hizz tree quest shun for sure! we started out in R yooth back when cat channel hada way two blog, we canna rememburr
    de yeer even itz that kinda old tyme ! 🙀🐟💙💚‼️

  6. We started here in 2008 but dropped most of social media in 2021 when everyone became so hateful about everything.

  7. Our mom started her blog in January of 2009 and our Angel Sister Nina was with her then. Nina didn't blog much since she was very shy and didn't like the camera much.

  8. Madi and I started blogging in June of 2009.
    I was worried I would not have anything to say. Do I hear you laughing
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. 2013 on our blog, but I was emailing family and friends with cat stories earlier on.

  10. Years and years ago when we had Angel Little Bit. Now I'm back at blogging about Lil' Bit and Squeaker.

    Have a woof woof day, ruby Rose. My best to your mom. ♥

  11. Admiral started a long time ago, 2009. When she passed, I started in 2012, January 16..

  12. We only do Blogger and occasionally Instagram. Mom thinks we go back to 2007 or earlier for when the blog started, but she can't seem to get back to the beginning of the blog:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Monday Question

 Do your parents celebrate your birthday and are there toys? Ruby's answer: My parents don't make a big deal out of birthdays. I mig...