Thursday, January 18, 2024

Poetry Thursday


Once again, Angel Sammys and Teddys Pawetaton have provided us with a photo for Poetry Thursday

I was finally on vacation, a chance to be free

Spending a week with my wife at sea

Then there was an accident some called freak

I flew into a lady and hurt my beak


I have heard this happen before

Just at we begin to sour

To go to the bow and reenact a movie humans are enticed

To act out the final scene of the Last Temptatiion of Christ


It used to be people respected water

Before everyone human became a yachter

They used to leave the sea to birds and fish

The return of those days is what I wish


The lady said my injured beak was my fault

She asked if I had insurance because paying out of pocket she would not

“I don’t have insurance, I am just a bird,” I said

She said she would sue me and to bankruptcy I would be lead


I promised the family in court I would be defiant

And the wife said he who  represents themselves has a bird for a client

The plaintiff said I was flying erratically and drunk on seed

And she had witnesses who would say the same so I must concede


I had my own witness but the plaintiff’s attorney did balk

Since his testimony was squawk squawk squawk

The prejudiced judge was against me

I was afraid they would lock me up and throw away the key


I never thought my savioir would be the Captain

His testimony made the truth snap in

From the crows nest he looked down below

And the the woman and her men trying to do the Dicaprio


I was found not guilty by the judge

The plaintiff said some f words and none of them were fudge

And I flew out the window letting out a whoop

And dive bombed her car leaving a huge splat of poop



  1. Another great poem, and we particularly commend the rhyming of 'water' with 'yachter'!
    Nobby and Gail.

  2. thatis just genius... you described this moment from the other side... well done!!!

  3. I love that you took the bird's side and your poem was wonderful!

  4. Ruby Rose your endings always crack me up
    "The plaintiff said some f words and none of them were fudge"
    Happy Friday too

  5. By gosh, there is nothing more to be said (or done) after that exit!


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