Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday Question

If your parents had to go away for a few days who would they trust to take care of you?

Ruby's answer:   Mommy would ask one of her granddaughters. Two of them are sistres, and have inherited Mommy's love of dogs. They are just starting out as adults, and are busy, they would ask their groomer.   


  1. Good question and guess Ruby KNOWS his family well!

  2. We have nobody so one of us always stays home with the kitties.

  3. I go back to my breeder and have fun rampaging around the farmyard with my five fox terrier relatives. It's great!

  4. our dad, but she would stalk him and would call all 5 minutes...

  5. Mom doesn't trust easily so she stays home with me.

  6. The Hubby is our cat minder, while I flit around!

  7. Mine Mommy says next time she goes away, I go away too with her! Fur sure.

  8. None of our parents dogs have ever been left alone. One of them is always with us (or just out running an errand).

  9. I always used the same Sitter. She only worked within a 2 mile radius of her home. She had more time to spend with each pet. Her service was While the Cat's Away.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. ruby… gurl wood knot trust me with anyone, and sinz eye due
    knot like peepulz…at all….that leevez uz watchin out for each other
    ….less eye am watchin out de window SPYIN on de nayborz 🙀😺‼️🐟💚

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! When my person goes away, I get to stay with the grandpawrents! This is amazing! They give me treats ALL THE TIME! They give me belly rubs ALL THE TIME! They take me out for walk after walk after walk ALL THE TIME! I would like my person to go away NOW!

  12. We always have to go to the kennel at a local vet, not ours. But if Mom could have her wish, one of our human sisters would come stay with us. Too bad she has to work and take care of her family too. She needs a clone.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


Monday Question

 Do your parents celebrate your birthday and are there toys? Ruby's answer: My parents don't make a big deal out of birthdays. I mig...