Monday, January 1, 2024

Monday Question

 I have already revealed my New Year's Resolution not to eat my own poop. (Spoiler alert: I already broke it.)

What is your New Year's Resoluton?


  1. We aren't big on making resolutions but if we did it would be to persuade our parents to give us more snacks.

  2. BOL BOL Ruby Rose do you might want to ask for a year's supply of mints.
    No resolutions here
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We don't make resolutions either...but one of our goals is to explore more!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  4. We don't do resolutions here, but we do revolutions sometimes!

  5. No New Year resolutions for us either.

  6. ruby...everee time we make rest ta two shunz...they kinda sorta fall a part... tho we will try R veree veree best knot ta eat bass terd chckn !! :) ♥♥

  7. I need to stop checking out who is walking on the road in front of my house and stop pulling and trying to make my mom lose her balance and face plant in the driveway. I did it again today and she has promised me that I will be wearing my prong collar. I need to stop this dangerous behavior and show my mom some respect.

  8. Happy New Year, friend! I would like to find more poop to roll in! Poop is fun!


Monday Question

 Do your parents celebrate your birthday and are there toys? Ruby's answer: My parents don't make a big deal out of birthdays. I mig...