Thursday, March 21, 2024

Poetry Thursday



 Angel Sammys and Teddy have provided for us a new picture to inspire the poet inside of us all.

Here is today's picture and poem



From the first day Sally arrived home

Her sister Susie let her feeling be known

There was something in the house they would best be rid

Because Susie hated the new freaking kid


“Make it go away,” she begged

She had this rotten baby pegged

She went on the Internet and began to take out bids

For someone who eliminated unwanted kids


She put X-Lax in her formula

Causing indigestion that sounded like a chamber ochresta

“You’ll never clean those marks of skid,”

Susie said about that poop covered kid.


Susie painted Sally’s face black.

And reported her sister had some kind of attack

Whatever she had could not be undid

They would catch the disease from this rotten kid


Susie put needles in Sally’s bassinette

And her parents did not sleep, not even a minute

“The baby is possessed,” Susie said knowing her parents weren’t aware of what she did.

In her efforts to rid the world of that rotten kid.


She snuck the baby out of the house putting it under a sign that read “free to a good home.

As long as you don’t mind a little down’s syndrome”

Her dad found her before she was taken by a couple living south of Madrid.

A city that was no place to raise a kid.


That night their parents sat up in bed

Realizing what had gone unsaid

Since Sally came home Susie had flipped her lid

And she was truly one rotten kid


  1. Susie sure is a bit of a devil, but we're sure she isn't the first kid that tried to get rid of a younger sibling. BOL!

  2. Oh the stories I have heard about siblings arriving. I read the funniest short story in Reader's digest. A new baby had been keeping the family up at night. Finally the 3 year old asked the mom if they could return it.
    The first born of a set of twins calling her sister Baby B her entire life.
    Love your poem
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. My eldest sister tried to disown all of her five younger siblings for years.

  4. Susie sure doesn't like Sally. LOL


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?