Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our new blog layout

We are posting this to give big smoochy kisses to two of our very best friends, Kolchak’s and Felix’s Mom Aunt Jodi, and Zoe Boe’s Mom Aunt Connie, who did all the work in setting up our new blog:  Small Tales - The Adventures of Two Tiny Terriorists.  We named it Small Tales because our tales are small, as are our tails, and some of them may not quite be true.  And all of those who know us would agree we are Tiny Terriorists. 

The idea of doing the blog was Aunt Jodi’s.  She is a big fan of our blog.  Not as big a fan as George Clooney, but who are we to name drop?   She said that she had some ideas to make our blog more attractive for humans to read.  We asked her if it would raise the price of kibble, she said no, and we told her than what did we care?

First she contacted Zoe Boe’s Mom Aunt Connie.  She has done so many wonderful pictures of us there is a wall in our house devoted just to her art work.  Here is an example of Pocket and I with Zoe and Tanner Bub.

She did the pictures that are on our banner and they capture my eternal happiness and Pocket’s eternal confusion perfectly.

Then she asked us a bunch of questions about how we wanted the blog set up.  We told Aunt Jodi what we liked but really we were more like “I don’t know, whatever you think,” because she has such great taste.  One of our earlier versions had paw prints on the boarders but whenever Mommy looked at it she tried to clean the screen so we had to eliminate that.

We also told her that we wanted to be recognized as much as a comedy blog as a dog blog.  She asked us for examples of funny blogs.  The best we could think of were Smoochy and Tommy Tunes.  Frankly, humans aren’t that funny.  We decided it was best just to keep it with the emphasis on funny dogs and not morose humans.

For Aunt Jodi to do all the wonderful work we needed done on the blog we had to give her our password.  Pocket and I are very protective of our passwords.  We have been trained never to tell anyone that Bosco is our password.  No matter what we can never say Bosco.  And here Aunt Jodi wanted us to tell her that Bosco was our password to our g-mail account.

But those Gooogle guys, they are on the ball.  Even with the password (Bosco) they didn’t allow her access to our account.  Because she is a Canadian.  Thank the Heavenly Dogs Google is making sure the Canadians cannot access our account.  We all know of the damage done by the Canadian terrorist group EyKinda

We had to send her some answers to our secret questions and she was able to get on our site and get to work.  I don’t know why a human would be so kind as to do so much work on our site but we sure are thankful.  She somehow made our bland site look fresh and new and we will always owe her a debt of gratitude.

So thank you Aunt Jodi, and Aunt Connie, and everyone who reads our blogs and for making us look more talented than we are.  You’re the best.    


Poetry Thursday

  This week's inspiration from the Two Spoiled Cats At Wal-Mart you can find whatever floats your boat You can find an inexpensive w...