Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kiera is our Pup of the Week

I was lying in bed resting while reading some of my favorite blogs when a little blue bird flew onto my window sill. “Angel Apollo has requested you join him on his cloud,” the bird chirped then flew off towards the sun.  “What now?” I thought.  Angel Apollo’s Dad had recently moved onto Apollo’s cloud with his sister Shakira, his vet Dr. Joel, and a huge weeping willow tree.

I found Apollo and his Dad under the weeping willow playing fetch.  Apollo dropped the stick and ran towards me.  “Do you have a dog named Kiera from Oklahoma due today?” he asked.  I reached into my wings, took out my phone, clicked my app, found my schedule and saw that indeed there was a Kiera from Oklahoma due soon.

“Call it off!” Angel Apollo barked.  “Right now!  Do something.”  I began telling Apollo that I have tried doing this several times and it never worked when my phone beeped.  I looked down and the name Kiera had disappeared from my list.  This had never happened before.

“Thank the Big Guy.” Apollo said.  He could tell I was confused.  “Come with me and I will show you why Kiera is no longer on your list.”  He brought me into his living room with the wall of TVS that showed his family and friends and all the unrescued dogs in his area who needed homes.  

I should have known where Kiera would be.  She was supposed to have passed over after an uncaring and thoughtless human dumped her on the side of the road.  Luckily Apollo spotted her on one of his unrescued channels.  He popped into the minds of the people who work with his Mom in their rescue and alerted them that Kiera was close to passing over the River of Life before her time.

Kiera was brought to Dr. Leslie who did a thorough examination and found out that Keria had cancer that had spread throughout her body (probably the reason she was dumped in the road, but don’t worry, we angels will find the humans who dumped this poor sick dog and we will turn into avenging angels and give the dumpers stomach flu, crop failure and flat tires, Kiera will be avenged.) 

Who is the person to call when you find an abandoned ten year old dog with cancer?  Apollo didn’t need to pop into Dr Leslie’s mind to let him know. Everyone knows.  It’s Apollo’s Mom Kimberli.
Kiera has a fast spreading cancer.  Her time with Apollo’s family will be short.   Mom Kimberli thinks Kiera was a working dog but for her last months she will be a family dog and get more love and attention in that time then she got her entire life.  Her last days will be her best days as she officially becomes part of Apollo’s family.

And when she passes over the Bridge she will come live in the house on Apollo’s cloud with the father she has yet to meet and her sibling dogs.  In the last months of her life she has become one of the luckiest dogs alive.

She has become part of Apollo’s family  What could be luckier?


  1. I'm so glad that Kiera will know so much love and affection for the last months of her life. Thank goodness for Kimberli, a saint on this Earth.

  2. How good is that?? I'm glad Angel Apollo was able to stop the call up in time and Kiera will spend her last months surrounded by love!!

  3. There are so many Angeles that walk among us. And Kim is one.

  4. We always feel so good when we read about caring angels.

  5. I'm glad Kiera will experience a loving home in her final days. I hope she will be comfortable and have many days left filled with joy!

  6. WE are thankful that Kiera will live the rest of her days in a loveing home
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. The world so needs more Kimberlis. We will cross our paws for Kiera's remaining days to be as comfortable as possible.

    Woos- Ciara and Lightning


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