Sunday, September 25, 2016

Pup of the Week: Lexi the Schnauzer

I realize that many of my friends begin reading this blog, and, when they realize they do not know the pup being honored, they stop reading.  
Do not stop reading.
Because not only did many of you not know Lexi, the Schnauzer, I did not know her either.  I wish I did.  I would have been so much better off if I had.  And so would you.
First, Lexi was a therapy dog:  She took care of patients at nursing homes, physical rehab centers, and her favorite, the children’s hospital where she brought the little munchkins the most valuable gift:  Smiles.
Second Lexi was an actress.  She played Toto in several productions of the Wizard of Oz.  She was a real star.
And lastly, Lexi was a church dog.  She was the official dog of her church, and that was very cool, but I am saving the reason why that is so cool for the end of the blog.  As a blogger, Lexi would understand why I am saving it until the end.
Lexi is one of the many independent bloggers who makes up the community known as blogville.   They are a very creative group.  They had their own Olympics.    They even have their own mayor.  This year a new mayor will be elected, and Lexi was running for this important position.
But, as often cruelly happens, life interrupted.  Lexi began vomiting, and her mom took her to the vet where they found the same terrible problem they found when I went to the vet.  Large tumors in our lungs.  The tumors made her pre-existing kidney issues worse.  She stopped eating.  Her quality of life suffered.  Her mom made the decision to send her to the Bridge.  Being an exceptional dog, Lexi bypassed the swearing in ceremony and went straight to the Big Guy himself.
In Blogville, to celebrate the life of a friend who has gone to the Bridge, pups publish pictures doing the new Angel’s favorite activity.  Lexi’s was eating treats.  So pups posted pictures of them eating treats. How perfect a dog is that?  To celebrate her life, she wanted her friends to have treats.
Now, the really cool part.  As I mentioned, Lexi was a church dog.  The members of the church, being delightful people, decided to have a full memorial service for Lexi.  I know none of us want to leave our parents, and go to the Bridge, but wow, a full memorial service.  Talk about shattering the glass ceiling.  
And it was live streamed so all Lexi’s friends could attend.  And if they couldn’t the video was uploaded to the Internet.  You can see it here.
Lexi does leave behind her broken hearted parents, the patients she will no longer be supporting, and her church members.  We must do what we can to help them through this terrible time.  And there will never be a better Toto.
Those who knew her would say there will never be a better dog.
Now, if you excuse me, I am going to do what I should have done when I was mortal, get to know this bright, shining star.


  1. We had just begun to know Lexi after she decided to run for Mayor. And we too wish we had gotten to know her sooner - she was a really special dog
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

    Pee Es
    we always love reading your pup of the week whether we know the pup or not

  2. I wish that I'd known Lexi too. I didn't but she sounds incredibly special. I am going to visit her blog now. Thanks for this beautiful post.

  3. We were just getting to know her when she was called to the bridge. Like all the dogs in Blogville, she was a special one.

  4. Dear Foley Monster, what a wonderful thing to do for our precious Lexi. Being and Angel dog yourself,you know what's going on up there. If Lexi went straight to the Big Guy - which I am sure she did - it's because she figured he had the best treats of all! ~ Amy (Lexi's MOm)

  5. So sad that we did not get the chance to meet Lexi - what a special dog! That is the most pawsome memorial service - hope Lexi is running free of pain and happy across the Rainbow Bridge. Such a little star - Moth & family xxx

  6. Lexi was a great example for dogs and humans alike, the world would be a better place if there were more Lexi's....she will be missed. stella rose and momma

  7. We've heard of police dogs getting a memorial service, but not civilian dogs. That is so cool. She was so special.

  8. We did not know Lexi either until just recently. We were so sorry to hear of her passing - her humans had a beautiful tribute for her too. Soft woos and gentle hugs to her family.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  9. Lexi was a special kid
    Lily & Edward

  10. What a lovely post and tribute to Lexi. We wish we had known her for longer.

  11. I am so sad to read that Lexi left for the bridge before I could get to know her. My cousins are there too, so we will all meet up some day.

    For now, tell her to look up Bandit, Tabitha, Tuxedo, ScoobieDoo, Grizzle E. Bear - and, well, they'll introduce you to all the others. We're all Shih Tzus and Mom knows how very sad it is when it's time for one of the furbabies to go to the bridge.

    We are both so sorry for their loss, but I think this beautiful tribute made their hearts just a little bit lighter.
    Woof! TINK


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