Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday Question

What is your sleep position?
Pocket:  I curl into as tight a ball a possible and I keep my butt covered.
River Song:  I like to stretch my front and back legs as much as possible to take up as much room as I can. 



  1. We curl up like commas.

    Misty and my minions

  2. Oh, anything goes here. We all like to sleep upside down, curled in a honey bun, stretched out on our sides, snuggled together on a bed, and of course Lightning loves to sleep like a froggy doggy:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. me, da phenny is a weim-donut and da nelly sleeps on its back with the legs in the air... he is weird...

  4. I luffs sleeping on top of a BIG pile of Princess cushions....then I suffer slippage as I expand and slide off!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. If I'm too warm I stretch out on my back and sometimes get the added benefit of a tummy rub. Otherwise, I curl up too.

  6. It's a mixed bag here depending on the weather...When it's cold, we curl up tight, but when it's a bit warmer we'll stretch out on our backs.
    Arty, Rosy & Jakey

  7. The two little hound girls sleep curled in a ball but the rest of us sleep on our backs with our legs in the air.


Monday Question

  How do you do at eating? Do you eat it all or do you graze? Are you food aggressive? Do you eat a diet food? Do you have any food quir...