Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Question

Who and how are your nails cut?

Pocket:  Our nails are cut by our groomer.  


  1. OH HELL NO! Not in a million years is Ma gettin' NEAR my talons! I barely lets the vettie tech near takes two of em'! BOL!!
    Oooops....Ma said she thinks it's time for mine to be trimmed...crap. thanks a lot guys...
    Ruby ♥

  2. Our dad holds us and mom does the dirty work. Most of the time she uses a grinder. Sometimes the vet cuts them
    Hazel & Mabel

  3. at the vet... 3 people have to hold me and then the vet has a small chance to cut my claws ;O)

  4. Mine too! My lovely groomer does all that fur me at my Spa days
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. The Dad clips mine and I really do enjoy it!

  6. I will only let our Vet Tech trim mine. Mom and Dad groom me at home since the local groomer has an assistant that never tells her we called and we never get a call back about an appointment.

  7. I get mine done by my groomer Miss Jacquie. I'm sort of ok with it. But angel Joey dog hated to have anyone mess with his feet, even Miss Jacquie.

  8. Mom does Sebastian and the little houndie girls but our get does the rest of us.

  9. Our vet charges $20 and the groomer charges $5. Guess what Mommy chooses.

  10. Mom would NEVER dare to attempt to trim our nails. We have ours done a couple of times a year by our groomer. Otherwise our long walks help to wear them down.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Mama doesn't even get close to our delicate nails after the first time she and Daddy tried to trim Bilbo's nails and they bled and bled...We let our groomers do it!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?