Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday Question

How many times do you eat each day?  Do you have any "human" food in your meal?  Are there any supplements you add to your food?  Are you a free feeder?  Do you have a bowl?   Does your mom cook for you?  If you eat kibble do you have the same type of food with the same protein each time?

Wow, you ask a lot of questions.  We eat twice a day but I have a little plate of food at night while River has her treat bone.  We have pumpkin and a few slivers of turkey with our food.  We don't have any supplements but we have started taking something to help my anal gland.  We don't free feed.  We eat off a plate and we make a mess.  No, mom doesn't cook for us.  We have the same food all the time because of my IBS. - Pocket 


  1. We graze through the day. When our bowls are empty we scoot them across the floor til they get filled. We are quite persistent.

  2. We eat twice a day. We get 3/4-1 cup of kibble twice a day. In the morning we get a big fish oil capsule and a dollop of plain nonfat yogurt on top of our kibble. For dinner we get the kibble with a tablespoon of plain pumpkin, a few green beans, and a tablespoon of canned food. We all eat from slow feeder bowls. Sometimes Mom will give us a little bit of chicken or steak. Dad is very naughty and tries to sneak us some of his meals when Mom isn't looking - he gets in trouble all the time - BOL.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. we have 3 meal times and we get meat&veggies and such stuff... in da evening and in da morning we often get canned food &meat that's because of the output, it becomes to dry if we eat only meat... ;O)

  4. We don't eat human food but our Dad human gives us small meals throughout the day when we ask.

  5. We start with breakfast - kibble and a topper of some wet food. Then we have second breakfast when mom & dad eat. If they have eggs we get a little, sometimes we get sliced banana. Dinner is kibble with topper. Hazel gets meds on her morning meal and supplements and one med on dinner. I get supplements on my dinner. And of course we get treats too
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. I get a cup of kibble twice a day. I also get samples of people food as long as it doesn't have any garlic, onions, or chocolate in it. I'm looking forward to a nice big piece of chicken and rice and vegies this evening … hint, hint.

  7. We have brekky and dinner and each of us has our own bowl :-). Morning is kibble with some lamb topper and lately dinner is kibble with duck topping...Mama says she is stopping the duck tho cause it gives Arty STINKY farts!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. We eat twice a day unless somebody is sick and needs extra meals. We get lots of treats thru the day. Boy, do we ever get supplements. Mom and Dr B both believe in supplements and we get them every morning, too many to list.


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?