Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pocket and the Broken Appliances

What a week we had!  I am going to have to sleep until September to make up for it.

All the problems began last year, when the two-year-old HVAC unit stopped working, causing my parents to install two insufficient window units to try and protect us from the broiling heat. It worked, as long as we did not stray too far from the units.  The original one was supposed to be under warranty, so my parents asked me to draw up court documents, and they prepared to sue the service company.

During this time our tankless hot water heater started to work intermittently.   One minute would be hot water, the next cold, then hot again.. My parents first said they would address this after the HVAC unit issue was resolved, and, once it was, Mommy wanted to wait until spring so the plumbers would not track dirt on her floors.  (My Daddy has to remove his shoes when he goes inside. We are lucky we don’t have to remove our paws.)

In October my parents were awarded money for the HVAC system and had a new one put in.  Everything was working except for the hot water. This spring my parents had various plumbers look at the tankless heater and were either told it was beyond repair or the plumber did not want to work on the unit.

Finally, Daddy got someone to look at the hot water heater. Before the plumber arrived, Mommy opened the washing machine and found all the clothes soaking wet.  The agitator was broken. They hired another plumber to look at that, and he said the part would cost as much as the machine, which makes no sense, since, if that were true,  every other part of the washer would have to be free, but what do I know, I’m just the dog. “It’s only two years old,” he said. “It shouldn’t have done that.”

We heard a lot of that.  My Daddy called Whirlpool and ended up buying an expensive machine that was discounted because “it shouldn’t have happened” but still cost a wicked amount of money.  That was scheduled to come on Tuesday. The plumber for the water heater was coming on Monday.

On Monday the water heater was fixed. The plumber played with us a little bit.  On Tuesday two men came in with the washing machine, and we were put in the bedroom and did not get played with at all.  It was the first day in more than a year that all the appliances worked. Almost.

That night the air conditioner froze up.  At first, my parents hoped it was a freak thing.  We went to the groomers that day for a summer haircut which is exactly like a winter grooming except it is warmer out.  When we got home, on a humid day, the air conditioner was not working. So much for our appliance streak. Daddy called another plumber.  Plumber is a term meaning ‘I only work on one appliance.” The plumber said, “well that shouldn’t have happened.” Whatever was wrong with the washing machine the HVAC unit probably caught it.  The plumber said he would send his partner to our house at 2:30 the next day.

Daddy was at work.  He had been told he would get a call on his cell phone before the plumber arrived.  2:30 went by, 3:00 went by, 3:30 went by. Daddy called Mommy and asked if a plumber had arrived.  She said no through the sweat drops. Daddy called the elusive plumber several times with no answer.

When Daddy got home, the plumber called.  His partner, before our scheduled appointment, had fallen off a roof.  Man, everything happens to us. The plumber’s partner had only sprained his ankle. 

  It must have been a tiny house. The plumber with two good ankles said he would be over in the morning.   Mommy took some happy pills, and we all tried to sleep in the bed without touching one another.

The next morning the plumber came and fixed the HVAC unit.  He said a bunch of stuff that amounted to “well that shouldn’t have happened.”  I would like to say things were fine after that, but it had been very humid when the unit was not working, and the house was stuffed with hot air, much like the plumbers.  It took a day to cool off.

Now we are on a streak of a few days with all the appliances working, but we know we are just a few days away from some other appliance catching “well that shouldn’t have happened” and needing repair.


  1. All we can say is NONE of that should be happening to you. We are all going to call upon the power of our Sibe Vibes to bring much better luck your way.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. OMD, nows I don't feels so bad! At least (paws crossed real tight) our A/C is fixed now and won't catch what yours had! I knows all too well how long it takes for a hot house to cool down! BOL
    I will keeps my paws crossed that all the appliances in your abode don't catch anything else!
    Ruby ♥

  3. Oh my goodness - you've had a horrendous streak. Now you deserve the next 87 years with NO appliance problems!

  4. that is a plumber-odyssee... butt after all the appliances should be well bee-hived now or they will land in da dog house...

  5. I am EXHAUSTED just reading about your crazy week!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Oh my goodness, that was pretty much a nightmare for all of you and I'm sure glad some normal showed up.

  7. That's a very contagious disease. Our house caught it a couple years ago. Our air conditioner caught it first, then the hot water heater and dishwasher caught it on the same day, then the clothes dryer came down with it. We hope your house stays healthy.

  8. Well you still have the refrigerator, stove and dryer to act up before you’re batting 100. Maybe mom and dad should put in a pool, then you could keep cool and if need be even wash your clothes.

  9. Maybe you should give your appliances booster shots.

  10. Oh my stars talk about when it rains it had a full out flood. Fingers, paws, eyes and toes crossed all well now.
    Hugs madi and mom

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I can´t stop laughing! Very funny indeed...well! not for your of course, but those things are funny when you watch them at a distance, right? Congratulations! I enjoy reading your stories

  13. Stuffed with hot air! Hee hee!!

  14. This is really helpful in concern if the water heater is working properly when you wanted to relocate. Make sure you follow these step to check your water heater health. Heating and Cooling Scarborough


Beat This Caption

Where the hell is that god damn snooze button?