Friday, September 4, 2020

Pocket Reflects on Her Life as She Turns 13


Today I turned 13, a record age for one of my parent’s dogs, even before they were married.  I asked Foley about breaking her longevity record, and she came into my dreams and told me it was better . I was old and living with Mommy than an angel and living with her.  If I did, she would have to add another bedroom to the house.  I guess I owe my life to the fact that Foley doesn’t want to pull a permit.  

    My parents are stunned; I lived this long.  When I came to them, I was a scrawny puppy dog who needed to grow into her ears.  I have never actually mastered potty training.  I have a bladder that is the size of a pea.  How long can a pea hold pee?  That time has grown longer as I have aged, but still, pee happens.  I have lived so loved I have graduated from untrainable to incontinent.  

    I have rarely gone a month without a day of digestion issues.  It always follows the same script.  I refuse my morning treat. Then I don’t eat breakfast or any food until supper time.  While my parents are eating, they coax me into taking a bit of food.  A few moments later, I emit a poop that looks like something Hieronymus Bosch would stick into the corner of a painting created in a particularly disturbing moment.  Once done, I return to my parents’ dinner table, to get more food.  Ironically, they then stop eating to take care of the stinking pile in the living room.  After that, I am good to go, even if my parents have lost the appetite I gained.  I guess living with me has been a bit of a trial at times.  But I am very well loved too, thanks to understanding parents. 

    There have been a few times over the years that I didn’t snap out of it, and the tummy issues last a number of days.  My parents used to take me to the vet when this happened.  Now they ride it out like it is a terrible scene in a beloved movie, except they can’t fast forward through me.  None of the normal techniques, like chicken and rice, worked.  I need to eat the same food until I straighten out. Each time it happens, my parents wonder if this will be the time that I don’t recover.  But I am resilient.  I don’t know what will finally bring me to the Bridge, but I don’t think it will be my tummy.  I am like an old car that requires you to nurse the brakes and finally goes to the junkyard because of a transmission issue.

    I can hardly believe that I have lived longer with River Song than with Foley.  I was introduced to the world as a puppy by Foley on Doggyspace.  I wanted to join the site, but Foley balked.  She said I needed to be housebroken first.  Thankfully, she got tired of carrying the burden of blog writing herself and introduced me to social media, where I have chronicled most of my life.

    I was always Foley’s sidekick, and that was fine with me.  She did all the heavy lifting while I stayed in the back and was the cute one, Paul, to her John.  But then Foley left to take a job at Rainbow Bridge and broke up the band.  I had a couple of weeks as a lonely dog, then along came Ringo.

    I am glad River Song became my sister.  But, we have a different relationship.  Foley was always top dog.  I was never comfortable with the role.  River wanted it, and we still tussle over who is top dog, but River and I have found equal ground.  River is a good snuggle partner, and fun to walk with.  She enjoys a good sniff more than Foley did.   Most of all, she healed my parents’ hearts quicker than I could have done alone.  For that reason, I forgive her a lot.  

    I don’t feel 13, and I don’t look it either.  Everyone still thinks I am a puppy.  They don’t see my missing teeth or feel my stiff arthritic bones.  Outside of that,I still feel like a youngster inside.  I have been blessed to be with you for 13 years, and I hope I have many more.



  1. Happy Birthday from all of us Pocket, 13 is a super special age and we wish you many more too!

  2. Happy Happee Yappy Birthday, Pocket. I know you will have many more good ones!!! :)

  3. Happy 13th Birthday to you, Pocket!!! That is just wonderful that you have done so well despite all the issues - that was Angel Phantom too. Never quite a healthy dog, but lived the longest of any of our Sibes - a few months shy of 17!!!

    We hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more to come.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Happy Birthday, Pocket, and may you have many more.

  5. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY POCKET!!!!! OMD, you crack me up ~ Ma's Angel Annie had colitis her whole life, and never did gets a handle on it, so the poopin' in the house made Ma smile (I wonder if she would smile if I did it??? hmmmm.....)
    Anyhu, I am super duper glads you found your peeps, and they are okays dealin' with your tummy issues, and you and River Song gets on like sissy's should ☺
    Here's to more FABulous years with your family!
    Ruby ♥

  6. We hope to have lots more time with you. 13 is a good age. Norma Jean is 13 untill October. She says it's a good age because there aren't a lot of expectations and freedom to do whatever she feels like doing. Have a happy birthday.

  7. Happy birthday Pocket! Hope you had fun.

  8. Happy Birthday Pocket, and congratulations on reaching such a fine age, despite all the tummy business. Here's to lots more years of Hieronymous Bosch style poops...

  9. Happy birthday Pocket...your tummy issues sound hard to deal with but it looks like you have the best humans ever, to help you do your best! We think you look wonderful!

    Kiki and Rosie

  10. pocket; we could all look az gorgeouz at 13 :) a bee lated birthday wizh two ewe, we hope yur day waz total lee awesum lee grate; ya N joyed yur day, ya getted inta trubull coz itz a loud; N heerz two de next 13; long witha yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez :) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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